• Frenemies •

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The grass of the castle's rear field blew back from the single landing flap of the reptilian creature, the feet of a quadruped immediately landing on the soil.

"Fly out of here, Claw. Get your rest," Sweetie said, purposely leaving her luggages in the Dobermann's basket. "You can't help in any way, you're forbidden here."

"What are you going to do?" Sweetie heard from behind her, turning around to face the concerned Claw.

"I don't know." She heaved a small sigh before adding: "But I'll try to find out how all this happened… why it even happened. There's no need for a royal knight, the princess told me that exact sentence the first time Chase refused to become one."

The pup's stomach churned of a bad feeling, whispering words to herself about why that current situation was happening to her. It was to calm herself and understand. It didn't help, however.

"Then why not just ask him?"

Sweetie hummed in reflex from the answer. "What are you talking about? Me and Chase aren't friends. We'll only end up getting into an argument and it hurts more on my end than his. The princess loves him."

"I get that but…" Claw stopped, seen to look down towards Sparks. "A common reason two individuals fight is because they don't see eye to eye. Why not take the first step to try and fix that?"

"If you can say that then you know next to nothing about me," Sweet revelled with lowering eyebrows, her frown saying it all.

A strong light came glowing into an aura from the distance. It was faint from where the two pups were, but if that wasn't enough, the sound of spurring made it known that the princess had returned.

"I'll see you soon, Claw." Sweetie sprinted a few meters away before she slowed down to stop, turning her head to the side. "Thanks for the day today. It means a lot to me."

She saw the small smile Claw grew, slightly nodding before he whipped the reins with utmost care so as not to hurt his stead, taking less than a few seconds before they were out of vision.

Sweetie continued running back into the castle, entering through an open window and hopping down. She was almost instantly greeted by the Earl that came out from the corner. He asked where she had been the whole day, only to reply that she was sleeping behind the throne.

Despite being an unusual answer, since the Earl was sure she wasn't where she claimed she was, he accepted Sweetie's excuse.

"Where's the princess?" she asked.

"The princess? She's currently in the throne room, talking to Royal Knight Chase."

"Bother!" Sweetie felt maddened, pushing past the Earl, who stumbled to step aside, unknown to him of what the pup had in mind. He only shrugged to continue on patrolling the castle.

Sweetie reached the end of the hallway where the throne room was, quickly catching the conversation being conducted by hiding behind a nearby potted plant. The princess was telling Chase about his sleep time, his schedule of when he can do whatever he wants, and time for food. Unfortunately, she never mentioned how long he'll be staying as a royal knight, knowing Chase would never administer that as his permanent work. He loved his job as a traffic cop. Just as the lowlife he was.

What she did mention, however…

"If you're not on break or dealing with anything, you're going to accompany Sweetie to most of whatever she does and wherever she goes."

What? Sweetie's head was burning. She was sure she was smoking from how furious she was from the decision, especially with that smug grin Chase wore. She didn't remember if that was always his smile.

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