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JJ, a pogue on the cut with a purpose to be found.

Y/n, a new person in town,visting her cousin when a hurricane hits,keeping her in the outerbanks.

—————.                               .—————-

"This is ur crib? Y/n asks her cousin johnb as she climbs out of his beat up van.

"Yeah,welcome to the cheatu,home of the pogues".johnb says in confidence.
"What in the hell is a cheatu?"y/n asks."johnb!wanna go on a nice ride down the waters with muah?"a girl with curly brown hair shouts from a distance.

"Hey!kie meet my cousin,y/n"johnb shouts back closing the van door."oh!hey y/n I'm kiara but you can just call me kie""hey kie Nice to meet you".

"Here I'll show you to your room" your cousin clams while leading you and your bags inside the messy house.

"Oh,this is one,place" you said in discuss while searching the room for one chair that isn't infested with dirty clothes or dishes.

As you walk into the hall way you pass ways with a dark skinned man,wearing a unbuttoned yellow shirt and green stripped bathing suit bottoms.

"Oh I'm sorry" you said backing up feeling bad for bumping into the man.

"Oh ur good no worries"the man says smiling

"I'm y/n,johnbs cousin,nice to meet you"

"Oh I'm pope johnbs friend,and tutor"


You hear a man yell from ahead of you.

Pope turns his head and turns  back,looking at Johnb before walking out of the house in disappointment.

"Hey,JJ..." your cousin says walking past you towards the man.

You walk behind him while hear him whisper somthing.

"Sieriously jj,I told you you had to pack ur shit,my cousins here i gave you 2 weeks to clean this dump"

"Mannnnn,pshhhhhhhh cut me some slackkkkk I mean I can always share a room with her... or even sha-"

"No,don't finish that."

Johnb says while covering the boys lips.

The tall blonde boy turns his head
towards you,you make eye contact with him.

He moves johnbs hand from his lips and exclaims

"Ohhhhh a-mater of fact we can share a room.right now.with nothing else".

"I'm sorry y/n he is drunk"

"And high"
The two go back and forth.

"But you will have this room once it is cleaned up and he is on the couch."

Johnb says

"No no no,it's fine I can just have the couch I would hate to kick somone out if there own room"

"Welp that's a yes for me im going back to bed you can come to if you want gorgeous"

JJ said before closing his bedroom door.

"Look,y/n I'm really sorry he is usually not like that he is just going through stuff,with his dad who sucks"

"It's fine you know I understand with my friends back home"

———————.  Later on.———————

You where woken up in the middle of the night to a loud noise outside on the porch.you get up from the couch and turn in your phone flash light.

"Oh shit" you hear somone groan from outside.

You walk out the front door and search around.

"Hello?"you say

"Oh,oh sorry sorry,hi,did I wake you"

"Uh yeah but it's ok"

"Wanna beer?" He asked holding up a can.

"Uh sure I guess" you grabbed it from his hands and shot gunned it.

"Damn,you wildin"

"Meh you pick up some stuff when you grow up with a construction worker that's never home"

"Oh damn so you got bad parents too?"

"Yupppp,no mom who is in the pych and one dad who is never home"


"I guess bad dads runs in the hot people genes"


——————-.   Later on .———————

Hours go by and you are well over drunk by now.

You and JJ are laughing about his knows what when you look in to his eyes.for the first time you don't see a drunk or a addict.

You don't see a teenage dirt bag or a messed up kid. But a sweet,kind teenager with lots of purpose and in his eyes you saw your self.a teen in need of love.

You feel a fire start in your heart and before you know it his hand is placed on your neck.he rubs his thumb down your ear and pulls you closer.you kiss his soft lips and he kisses you back.you feel the fire in your heart grow bigger and bigger until it explodes and you feel somthing for the boy,could it be love?.

Typical JJ maybank Where stories live. Discover now