Meaningful gibberish

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The moon is rising high in the sky,
But you are nowhere near to pull me close,
She darkens her light as she stares,
Dimming the hope of your coming home.

The holy land of ours lay desecrated,
Vandalised by the brutes of his absence,
I lay on the altar powerless without him,
My god has left his goddess on the shore.

I walked through the ruins in search of you,
The whole land quaked and called with me,
The desire for proximity writhed in my pit,
I cried blood, bled tears bereft of my love.

I reached the fabled end of the world,
I knocked on the doors of the unreachable hell,
The madness of longing spoke in his voice,
Coaxing my limbs with his silhouette.

The angelic skin bared into ghoulish flesh,
The chirpy voice grated into the raspy rush,
I tried to wrench my heart that felt,
Burn it to cinders in the fire of my love.

Feverish flames of love engulfed her body,
Melting her skin etched in his name,
Scorching her lips chanting his name,
Liberating her soul from her cage.

A voice screamed in wreaking agony,
As the flames of love licked her heart,
She heard his voice; breathing her last,
The soul of her lord awakened at last.

And thus he spoke from her burning heart,
I ventured in search for a forever for us,
Carried my body for the journey long,
Leaving my soul with your heart, I loved.

My forever, I searched everywhere,
Were you my love, the voice cried,
As the heart and his goddess burned,
Leaking viscous memories of their dreams.

Scorched sockets of her skull had no tears,
Nor any ears to hear his anguished cries,
No bosom to rest his headless soul,
He had not lent his heart for her soul.


Well...words were pounding.🤕 The full moon four days back... had wreaked havoc with my sanity. This's been sitting in my notes since then...

I felt publishing this.

Forgive me if this crap annoyed you 🙏.

(I am a huge fan of Oxymorons. Well I am a oxy'moron' myself 🙊. See yao! )

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