Chapter 3: The return of Sammi and Monica

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~~~~~~~Sammi's POV~~~~~~~~~
The next morning,I decided to go back to Chicago and see my family (mostly Frank).
'Chucky! Get your a$$ up!' I yelled to my son Chucky
'Ugh! What?' He said
'We're gonna see your grandpa and sadly your aunts and uncles' I said
'Grandpa Frank!' He said happily
'That's right! Now let's go and see him!' I said excitedly
I got out of the trailer and walked around to the car. I started the engine and drove off.
~~~~~Fiona's POV~~~~~~~~
I woke up with a people laughing down stairs. And then I heard the voice that I was dreading to hear. Monica was back. Aka my dead beat mom who ran away when I was only 9. I put my clothes on and walked down stairs.
'There she is! Our beautiful Fiona!'Frank said with a smile
'Oh Fiona' Monica said with her arms out ready to hug her.I walked past her.

'When did you get back?' I asked
'Last night' she said happily
'When are you gonna leave?' I asked
'oh not for a long time, Fi' she said with a smile
Y/n walked downstairs. She looked confused at Monica.
'Who the fvck is she?' She asked
'You have another kid?' Monica asked me
'What?! No! She's Ian's adopted daughter' I said
'Ian has a kid?!' She said happily
'Yep,me' y/n said with a forced smile
'Awww welcome to the Gallaghers!' She said with a smile
'Um thanks but I'm a Milkovich' y/n said
'Oh! Well that's great too!' She said

~~~~~~Spooky's POV~~~~~~~~~
I couldn't stop thinking about y/n. I dreamt about her last night. She was m@king out with me. That felt sooo good. I looked out of the window. There she was waiting for Cesar,I wish she was waiting for me.
'Hey y/n!' I shouted out of the window
'Oh hey spooky, I didn't see you there!' She said with a smile
'You're waiting for Cesar,right?' I asked
'Yeah' she replied
'Um this might seem weird but ,do you wanna hang out later?' I asked
'Sure, see you at 7' she said with a smile
'Ok see you then' I said and walked away

~~~~~~Mickeys POV~~~~~~~~~~
'Morning Mr Milkovich' I said to Ian
'Morning Mr Gallagher' Ian said to me
I gave him a kiss like I always do.
'How was you're sleep?' He asked
'It was great,especially with you' I said with a smile
'Awww I think someone is going soft' he said with a laugh
'B!tch you wish' I said
Then we heard a voice, a voice that Ian was dreading to hear. It was his mom Monica.

We walked downstairs to say hi or whatever.
'Oh! Ian!' She said with a smile
'Hey Monica' he said uncomfortably
'Oh! Is this the Milkovich?' She asked whiles looking at me
'Yep, It's Mickey' I said uncomfortably
'Well Ian I never knew you had a kid!' She said to Ian
'You never asked' he said back
'But if you told me I would've come back sooner!' She said happily
'Yep and then you will leave again,like always' he said
~~~~~~~ Monse's POV~~~~~~~~
Once I made it at school, I saw the others.
'Hey guys!' I said with a smile
'Hey Monse' Y/n said with a smile
'Y/n are you really gonna hang out with Spooky later?' Cesar asked
'You're hanging out with spooky later?!' I,Jamal,Ruby and Jasmine said
'Um yeah,he seems cool' Y/n said uncomfortably
'I just wanna say, he likes to dance sloww and spicy' Cesar said with a smile

'I've got that in the bag' y/n said with a wink
I glared at y/n. I don't really like her that much.
'What are you looking at?' She asked
'At Cesar' I said with a smile
'Ok..I'm gonna go to class' y/n said
'Cya' we said to y/n

I turned to everyone.
'Do any of you like y/n?' I asked
' Yeah, I mean in a friend way' Ruby said
'Yeah, she seems nice' Jamal and Cesar said
' I agree' said Jasmine
'Well I don't, she's just coming into our space like it's nothing' I said
'What? Of course she's not doing that, you're just overthinking Monse' Ruby told me
' Overthinking?! You think I'm overthinking?!' I said angrily
The bell rang.
'Look we gotta go to class, just calm down' Cesar said
' I'am calm!' I yelled
' ok! Jeez' Cesar said
~~~~~~~y/n's POV~~~~~~~~~~
After school, I walked home and when I got home,there was a pale blonde chic standing with a chubby boy.
'Who the fvck are you?' I asked
'Well I could asked you the same thing' she replied
'Well I'm y/n Milkovich, now speak or I'll beat you senseless' I said
'I'm Sammi, this is my son Chucky' she said
'Then why are you two here?' I asked again
'Because our family lives here' she replied

'Well I'm going up stair, don't steal anything' I said
I walked up stairs and got ready to hang out with Spooky. I checked the time and it was 6:58. I left the house and walked to Spooky's place. I knocked on his door and someone opened it.
'Damn Mami, look at you' A random santos said
I rolled my eyes.
'I'm here for Spooky,not you' I said
'Spooky! It's you're chic!' They yelled
'Thanks sad eyez' he said

'Hey' spooky said with a smile
'Hey' I replied
'Come on in' he said whiles opening the door wider
He closes the door behind me.

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