The Secret Treehouse

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Avener sighed, his new house was full of unopened boxes and he was bored. He wasn't sure what you could do around here and he left his friends behind when he moved. 

He called to his mom "I'm going outside" She yelled back "Be careful!"

He went outside and swinged a bit, until he got tired  and he saw a old treehouse nearby.

He wasn't sure if it was safe to climb on since it looked ancient but he climbed anyway, he popped his head into the treehouse and almost fell off the ladder when he saw ghosts inside.

He thought the place looked ancient, so really it wasn't that surprising, but he figured that whoever built that treehouse would have moved by now!

This wasn't his first time seeing ghosts but he wondered why there was a whole group, why were they still here? Why did the group of ghosts become ghosts?

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