part 1

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NOTES: au where Afton family's still alive, you and Michael are 16, I'm basing the milkshake idea off of some random book I read in 5th grade, even if it takes place in the 80s they'll be listening to 2000s artists because 😩, she/her pronouns, gonna try and steer clear of y/n (I'll probably just do __) because I think it's annoying but once in a while you gotta.. enjoy!😎

June 7th, 1986 (end of freshman year)

My alarm goes off, the first day of summer and id be spending it working at my aunt Mays milkshake parlor. I mean, it couldn't be too bad. Right? I got out of bed and got dressed. putting on some patchwork jeans, and the basic uniform top. As I straightened my hair I burnt myself
"Watch your mouth!"
"Sorry dad!"
I ran downstairs as my mom finished breakfast.
"So are you excited?" she beamed

"Honestly, not too much. "

Mom looked disappointed.

"Oh stay positive! I'm sure it'll be fun."

After I ate I stood up and grabbed my bag

"Well, I guess I should leave then."

I said my goodbyes and got in my car, a red Camero. It took about 10 minutes to get to work. I got inside and met up with Aunt May.

"Hey, missie! You excited to make some shakes?"

She's a tall blonde figure, always wearing a lot of jewelry and colorful makeup. She handed me an apron decked out with pins from my favorite bands.v She knew me too well.

"Sure I guess."

"You'll be a pop of teenage expression! What we need instead of your uncle ." She chuckled, I couldn't help but giggle too.

"It really won't be too difficult. My kids will usually be here working with ya anyway" She smiled.

I was still nervous, what if I got fired? What if kids from school embarrassed me? Nonetheless, I was a teenager who wanted money. Throughout the day It wasn't too busy. Mainly old people or babysitters with the kids. Until a group of kids I recognized walked in. They weren't good kids, usually skipped class and whatnot. I had to take their order, so I walked over to the table and spoke

"Hi, I'm ___ are you guys ready to order?"

"Yeah we know who you are." a blonde boy said nudging at the brunette next to him.

"Were ready though." the blonde finished.

They ordered 2 vanilla shakes, 1 chocolate, 1 oreo, and 1 birthday cake. I couldn't help but think of how the brunette knew me when I saw Aunt May glancing at his table then at me.

"So whos that?"

"Genuinely, I don't really know. He was in my math class but I can't remember his name."

As I completed the order topping them off with cherries, I glanced up to the table just to see the brunette looking at me. Then his name clicked.

"Michael!" I said, not too loud so he couldn't hear me. But he must have read my lips. Because he turned away super fast

When I brought the shakes to the table they all thanked me and Michael handed me 20 bucks. After saying bye to them I walked back up to Aunt May handed her the cash and then a piece of paper fell out. she handed it to me and chuckled,

"Seems someone got a note!" she cooed at me. Opening it up it WAS a note. In neat handwriting it said.

" Hey, it's Michael, I just really wanted to say I like your pins. All Time Low's my favorite! bye"

With a random doodle with some song lyrics next to it. It was cute. But I didn't like him! I didn't even know him. I look at the clock wanting to go home, but it was only noon. This day was so slow.

6:30 P.M

In 30 minutes I get to go home. Finally! And their dinner time was quite busy, the menu was like Shake and Stake. Luckily, Aunt May let me use my walkman. Toxic Valentine by All Time low was playing. I turn around to see a familiar face. Michael walked in with 2 siblings and of course his parents. His eyes scanned the room for a second looking for someone. Making eye contact with me he smiled. His family sitting down Aunt May gave the look to me. I walked over to the family,

"Hi I'm __, are we ready to order?"

Michaels sister tugged on her mom's shirt

"Mommy, can we get milkshakes?"

"Sure Liz," she spoke in a soft-tiered tone.

After taking the order I walked back to the milkshake-making area, giving the chef their order. As I made the milkshakes I could really only think about the note Michael gave me earlier. I wanted to write one back so I took a napkin and wrote

"Hi Michael, just wanted to say thanks for the note earlier. You're right All Time Low is great, Fall out Boys better. Talk to me sometime, we'd be great friends." Putting it on his plate I walked over with the order, hoping he noticed the note. Watching him as he picked up the napkin and saw the writing, glancing back at me he put it in his pocket. Then it was time for me to go. Packing up my stuff and saying bye to Aunt May must have taken longer than expected because Michael was chasing after me. His family was getting ready to leave but his mom must have let him talk to me. After he caught up he spoke.

"Hey, I agree Fall Out Boy IS better!" he chuckled

"Yeah well, I had to make sure you were cool enough for me."

"I will in fact take that friend offer." He spoke in a deep British voice. He quickly handed me his.. number?

"Call me. Cool car by the way!" He winked and walked back to his family.

When I arrived home I told mom everything.

"So you have a boyfriend?"

"No! He's just someone I met today."

After she made like a-hundred jokes, I went upstairs and dialed the number.

"Hey, just making sure this is Michael! It's me ___, call when you can."

then, I got ready for bed. And with that, I went to sleep.

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