The Trial

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This- is the end. We've lost so many friends, but this will be the moment where their memories with us will live on! I see Mikan standing I the corner though, nervous. It's most likely because of her timid personality, after all she was incredibly close with Chiaki and Mahiru. But the others like Akane and Hajime have been closed off, Kazuichi misses Sonia, and  Fuyuhiko has been improving himself but still pissed since Peko passed. Right now, we're a mess. But shit will hit the fan as soon as the person behind this torture is revealed. 

"Hey- *sniffle* y/n can you come here? P-please?" Mikan is on the breaking point, I can feel it, It breaks my heart to see her like this. I don't know what this feeling could be, is it love? When I walked towards her I could feel a slight squeeze around my chest.

"Ah~ I'm sorry!" Mikan cries stepping away and releasing her grip. 

"No." I say as I hold her close.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, you're wonderful, you've done nothing wrong." I say softly while holding her

"Huh~?" Mikan mumbles through her closed lips, the elevator crashes down, ending the wonderful moment. 

"Let's go." Hajime said angrily, I know he wants to get this over with, I do too. I already have my suspicions and I'm ready to end this. For my lost friends, for my family, for Mikan! I need to know what happened to them, to everyone! As I let go of Mikan I stumble to my stand, starring at the hot pink bloody X put on Sonia's picture, her unknowing smile, it haunts me. Time for us to finally find her murderer, the mastermind. 

Immediately, Kazuichi screams "Which one of you  bastards did it, huh!?" 

"Pl-please calm d-d-down Kazuichi!" Mikan cries "Anger will not help us find the culprit!"

"Mikans right, calm the fuck down!" Fuyuhiko shouts

"Puhuhuhuhu~! Such wonderful anger!" Monokuma laughs, that stupid bear. Laughing at our anguish. I fucking hate him. 

"Everyone, shut up! Let me think." Hajime screeched 

"I-I-I'm sorry Hajime! I got too carried away, please forgive me!" Mikan wailed, as I grasped her hand I whispered 

"It's okay Mikan! You have nothing to beg for, you did nothing wrong." I stated 

"Y-you're right y/n! I did nothing wrong!" She smiled as I held her.

"Alright, alright we got it! Can we get back to the trial?" Akane said rushing us

"Ah, sorry." I said holding Mikan closer, since Sonia's frame was on my left. I could feel the blood drip on my shoe. I can't- I can't- how could he? Is that- real blood? My grasp on Mikan got tighter as tears rolled down my eyes, what if that happens to Mikan? My breathing gets faster as I try to hold in my tears. 

"Ahh~! *sniffle*" Mikan bawls

"Huh~? I-I'm sorry!" I shout, pulled out of my daze. I can't believe I hurt Mikan, I'm a terrible person! What did I do!? I shouted Mikan! She doesn't deserve this, I don't deserve her.

"Let's start off with our first piece of evidence, Kazuichi's beanie at the crime scene." Hajime says coldly

"Man, you think I did it!?" Kazuichi growls 

"No, I'm listing off evidence. With no bias." Hajime states

"Y'know what I think? You did it, you used your creepy act to get closer to Sonia!" Akane announces 

"Akane, shut up, I didn't do it!" Kazuichi howled 

"Everyone fuck off and try to solve this damn thing." Fuyuhiko shouts 

"H-hey!" Mikan screams, everyone then starred "W-what if we take a pause and look at the m-motives!"

"Good, then everyone can get off my tail!" Kazuichi remarks

"Fine, let's see!" Hajime comments

"Well, let me tell you a story then!" Akane remarks

"A boy found himself on a murder-island, finds a rich, pretty, princess! Princess doesn't want him, boy keeps trying throughout the murders he's still horny! And after he's fed up, he kills her! Incriminating, isn't it? Kazuichi Soda!" Akane declares

"OH FUCK OFF!" Kazuichi shouts

"HA, shut up shut off!" Akane chuckles

"WAHHHHH!" Mikan screams

"Hey, what about Akane's motive?" Fuyuhiko mentions

"What-? I have no motive!" Akane states challenging Fuyuhiko

"Finding Sonia and Nekomaru hanging alone together ring a bell?" Fuyuhiko observed 

"I-I would never!" Akane growls

"Your crush died a couple days ago, and then you crushed Sonia!" Fuyuhiko remarks 

"Shut up!" Akane screams


"Sorry, that was me." I stated realizing I didn't eat breakfast this morning, I was too upset to eat. I was too busy wondering who would die next, if that'd me or even worse, Mikan. 

"Well then, what about Mikan?" Hajime asks calmly

"W-what the fuck are you saying!?" I shout

"I-I-I would never murder someone nor orchestrate this whole killing game!"  Mikan cries

"Shut up. SHUT UP!" I scream

"Now that we have our motives, what are your alibis?" Hajime questioned, at this point I'm pissed. I want him to shut up! How could he accuse someone as sweet as Mikan of doing something so horrid!? She wouldn't! She couldn't! 

"I-I-I was w-with y/n!" Mikan wailed, she wasn't with me. I-I can't let her die. Maybe she forgot? Maybe I'm wrong. She couldn't have killed Sonia, right?

"Was that true y/n?" Hajime asked as he look towards me, starring into my soul. His eyes- he knows what I'm going to say. But I have to lie, for Mikan!

"Ye-yes." I stutter looking at my feet.

"Well then, that  rules out Mikan." Hajime states, did I just help Mikan get away with murder? What the fuck am I doing!? I-I love her, and I'll do anything for her. As I turned to her, her gaze fixed on me. Mikan then smiled. That's why I'm doing this, for that warm feeling she gives me. I then zoned out, all I could see was her, why am I dizzy? What the fuck..? I can't think, I can't carry on. My mind, who am I? What the fuck- and just as I was balanced, I then passed out. For how long? I don't know. I feel like I'm going throw up. Is this normal? 

"What t-the h- *hic*" Was all I could muster as I fell to the ground, clutching my cheast

"I love~ you." Mikan whispered intensely into my ear, that's all I remember. And all I could think about as I passed out, able to hear, think, see but not able to speak. As the trial carried on I slowly regained back some control of my body, first my fingers, my eyes, my toes, and then my head. They ended up finding the mastermind, finally.

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