Just for fun

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The bell rings and I grab my book bag from the floor. I head out of the classroom and begin walking home.

"MEL!", I hear a voice call.

I keep walking, hoping the voice gives up. The voice seems familiar though.

"MELODY!", the voice calls again.

I stop and turn to see who it is. It's my best friend- Jules.

"Hey", I say.

"I'll walk with you", she says.

We start heading for the corner and spot a crowd of people around.

"What's going on?", she asks.

"Let's go see", I suggest.

We push through a crowd of people of all shapes and sizes. Mostly taller than me, which I've gotten used to. We see a ring and two people wrestling, but WWE style. I see a taller boy dominating a smaller one. He doesn't want to fight, it seems.

This looks kind of weird, a WWE styled competition. Usually when wrestling in high school, it's the traditional version of it. They have the acting and everything going on. I look to my right, there's a middle- aged man with a mic. There's a table set up with the bell on it.

I look back up at the boys in the ring. Something about the more dominant boy was familiar. I can feel his aura and it brought up the rage to my core.

I want to punch him. A thought in my head went.

"Wait that's Keenan Piper", Jules recognizes.

Oh yeah, I hadn't noticed because I'm stuck on the fact that he's bullying a smaller kid. The kid is wearing a black and white button down and our black school pants. He has on black and white new balance sneakers. He's bullying a nerd. The bell rings and Keenan has won. I look to my right, and it looks like a pile of smaller children who's lost. Some are wrapped in bandages.

There's a little girl there too. He's in my grade and beating on kids who are, no more than, a sophomore.

We're seniors.

"Is there anyone who can defeat the unstoppable Keenan?" The man with the mic asks.

We can take him. The voice in my head goes.

I walk over to the stairs. Slowly, but surely.

"What are you doing Mel?", Jules whispers.

"He's beating on younger kids with no experience", I say.

"The hell?", she says.

"Plus, I want to have some fun", I say.

"Well, I believe in you Best", she says with a sigh. She knows she can't stop me.

"Thanks", I say.


He must've got sight of me. Keenan turns to me, and a grin is plastered across his face. Maybe it's because I'm a girl and he expect me to be easy. I do too. Part of me is overthinking it, Part of me doesn't care. He's stronger than me. You're quicker. He's bigger than me. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

"Melody nice to see you", he says.

I roll my eyes as I enter the fake ring.

"You like beating on little kids I see", I taunt.

His grin has disappeared, and he seems pissed off.

We can take him. I know.

The bell rings and we're circling the ring. He managed to grab me and put me in a headlock. I flip him, he's sitting down, and I have him in the same headlock from behind. I just flipped him, omg.

I look around and a bigger swarm has surrounded. Has no one beaten this boy before? Has anyone even gotten as close as me? How long has this been going on? He breaks out of it, and I'm pushed into the rope. I bounce off and drop kick him in his knees.

He winces at the pain and holds it. He sweep kicks me from under and I fall.

Dumb ass, you gave him too much time to recover.

He sits on top of me, and I block my face. He starts pounding on my arms and they're getting tired.

I have to think of something quick. I smirk at my idea, my special reversal that I do, almost all the time. I lift my legs and wrap them around his head. I grab him from behind and pull him backwards. I do the same as him but harder.

He pushes me off and I roll over. He picks me up and power slam me down, I feel a faint pain in my back, making me bounce back up off the map before just lying there. He does it again and the pain grows, I gasp. I kick him backwards and get up. He runs towards me, and I kick him in the face, Superkick. He falls back, holding himself.

A moment passes and we're both breathing heavy.

"JUST GIVE UP ALREADY!", he shouts over the crowd.

"I CAN DO THIS ALL DAY!", I respond.

I hear the crowd get louder to my right. I wonder who decided to show up. Anyone but the principle. I totally didn't think about the fact that this might not have been legal. At the same time, it's not on school grounds so it's kind of legal.

He rushes towards me from the other side of the fake ring and my heart accelerates. Think Mel, we're about to die. I shut my eyes and run towards him as fast as I can. I tackle him to the ground and the crowd roars. I open my eyes and I see him knocked out. I just speared this dude.

I pin him.

"ONE TWO THREE!", everyone shouts.

The bell goes off and a ref comes in. My hand is being raised and I'm being cheered on.

"Your winner, MELODY!", he says.

I walk out of the fake ring and find Jules.

"You beat him", he says.

She has a big smile on her face. She really happy for me. I smile a little and she hands me my bag, but not before giving me a big hug. We walk off and go home.

As soon as I get in my bedroom, my phone is buzzing. It's Roman. He's calling. FaceTime. I answer and drop my bag on the floor.

"Roman hi", I say.

"Hey sweetheart", he says.

I can see the smile on his face. His long, dark hair is hanging down and wet. Either he's working or he just showered.

"How was your day?", I ask.

"Fine and yours?", he responds.

"Interesting", I say.

"Why is that?".

"There was a competition and I beat the school bully. I saw him fighting with little kids, so I helped them out", I explained.

"Did you?", he asks.

"Yeah, nothing too serious".

"What kind of competition?".


I gulp and I can't catch my breath.

"Breathe Babygirl", he says with a chuckle.

He just called you Babygirl, omg. I took a deep breathe before talking.

"It was a simulated WWE thing. They had the ring and stuff there".

"They do that?".

"I don't know".

"You win?".

"If I didn't, I wouldn't deserve to talk on the phone with you".

"Well, regardless, you still would" he says, "No one always wins".


There is a small silence. I sit my phone on the bed, aiming at the ceiling, and change out of what I wore to school.

"You called me first", I say.

"I did".

Follow me for more of this book, I hope you've enjoyed this chapter. Just wanted to show a-little of what Melody can do. Just a sneak peak ;)

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