Chapter 15 - Back again.

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A/N: I promised to update ya'll didn't I? <3
(Sorry this is so short!!)


Chapter 15 - Back again.
Mitsuri's POV/Third Person


"I don't accept your pity apology." I said coldly.

Shinobu's eyes widened, "Mitsuri, please-" No. "Shinobu. You have said what's been said. I've been grieving all this time because of you!" I yelled as I saw Shinobu flich at me. "All I ever did was love you and admire you! What have you done for me? Be selfish and- and blind! You've done nothing for me! All you ever done was think and been fucked by that Tamayo woman!" I snapped at her.

Shinobu eyes shined of grief to..darkness. Emotionless..

"Don't you dare talk about her like that.." muttered Shinobu angrily. "I came here to apologize. And if you don't like me anymore then go back to Obanai." She said coldly. My eyes widened. What.

"Shinobu. I may not have a right to talk about Tamayo like that..But, I am going to make you suffer all the lust and grief I ever had..I-..Shinobu, I still love you! But it's hard too..I don't think..I don't think I can do it anymore. I don't want to push any emotions you don't have for me." I felt my voice get thick and my eyes blurry.."Shinobu, I'm going to ask you this once..and..I don't want you to push yourself." I felt tears stream down my face as I was talking.

"Did you ever care about me?"

It was quiet. There was no answer for a few moments. Was she..was she hesitating?

"Mitsuri..I-I did care! I still do! Please don't leave me like this-.." How could she change her emotions so quickly?..she was acting like a child. "Are you..begging me?" I asked as I avoided eye contact. "I'm asking you. Beg is a strong word." She murmured as she stepped closer to me.

She touched my face and whipped off the remaining tears. "I'm still sorry." Shinobu said, barely in a whisper. I rested my head on her hand..we used to do this. I moved closer..and kissed her. I held it there for a while.

"Mitsuri.." Shinobu lightly pushed me away as she caught her breath slightly. I eagerly await for her to speak again. I missed those lips.."let me come over to your house..please." Shinobu hesitated to speak, but did did I.

"Of..of course."

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