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Chapter 2: 

Sophie's POV:

June 6th 2009, 9:38 am

My brother, parents and I pull up in our brand-new Tesla to the Hotel. We're staying at the Golden Lion Hotel, owned by none other than Harry Potter himself! He's so cute! He's also the most eligible bachelor in Europe. I heard he'll be here for the gala tomorrow night. Hopefully I can convince him to marry me! Especially since I already told my family I'm engaged to him.

Sophie's outfit:

I mean, how can he not fall for me, look how hot I am! I fixed my dress that got a little wrinkled in the car when I notice my favorite cousins Izzy walking towards me

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I mean, how can he not fall for me, look how hot I am! I fixed my dress that got a little wrinkled in the car when I notice my favorite cousins Izzy walking towards me. "IZZY OVER HERE!" I ran over to her (or at least as much as my heels would allow me to)

Izzy's outfit:

I wrinkled my nose in disgust, remembering what my mother told me when we got to the airport and whispered in her ear, "My mother told me that Beaver is coming" she groaned and rolled her eye

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I wrinkled my nose in disgust, remembering what my mother told me when we got to the airport and whispered in her ear, "My mother told me that Beaver is coming" she groaned and rolled her eye. "WHAT! Noo she's so annoying" Izzy complained "I knoow she better not ruin my engagement." Our grandparents came out and hugged us. Everyone else was here, we were just waiting on Beaver and her parents. Just then a Golden Mercedes pulls up and Aunt Emma and Uncle Daniel got out. Aunt Emma opens the back and three small children get out, two boys with jet black hair and a red head girl, All three no older than preschool age. "Aren't you guys a little old to be having more kids?" I heard Uncle John ask. They simply smiled.

"Oh, they're not ours, they're Hermione's." My eyes widen, Beaver has kids? Who knew? I giggled and whispered to Izzy "who the hell would sleep with beaver?" "I bet she paid him to sleep with her" "I bet they all have different fathers." "Assuming she could even find 3 different men willing to sleep with her, paid or not." We were laughing to each other while most of the rest of our family were cooing over Beaver's children. Our giggle fit was interrupted by a red Ferrari that pulled it next to Aunt Emma and Uncle Daniel's car. A gorgeous woman stepped out. She had long brown hair, that fell in perfect curls down her back. She had a beautiful white dress from the HGP Fashion Line, a white hand bag, nude heels and flawless makeup. She was what I aspired to be.

Hermione's outfit:

Beaver's little brats notice and run to her

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Beaver's little brats notice and run to her. "Mummy!!" "Mummy!!" I go pale. Mummy? There's no way. The girl walks up to us "Hello Mum, they didn't cause too much trouble, did they?" Oh my god, that's Hermione!? Since when did she look like that?I get I haven't seen her since she was 13 but still! "Don't worry dear they were fine. "Mamma up." The little girl says holding up her hands for Beaver to pick her up. Giggling, she did so.

Hermione's POV:

"Mamma up." Lily demands. I laugh and pick her up. "Oh my god Hermione you're gorgeous!" Lana, my favourite cousin exclaimed. "Thank you" "I'm sorry I haven't been here lately; I've just been busy with a lot of things lately. Anyways these are my kids, James Sirius, who's 5, Adrien Remus who's 3 and lastly Lillian Ginevra, and she's 13 months." "Wierd names," I heard Sophie whisper to Izzy who were giggling to each other, I glared at them and turned back to Lana who was also glaring at them. 

"Oh, sweetie they're perfect" my Grandma Ruth says. My Aunt Stephanie just glared at me. She walks up to be and just slaps me across the face, Lily luckily wasn't in my arms still as my grandmother took her. "HERMIONE JEAN GRANGER HOW DARE YOU HAVE CHILDREN OUT OF WEDLOCK" I held the spot where she slapped me and glared at her. "Excuse me, firstly I am married, have been for 10 years and therefore not a Granger anymore!" I said angrily holding out my ring finger, showing off my diamond.

"Secondly it's quite frankly none of your business whether I'm married or not and lastly I co-own this hotel so if you want to disrespect me, my children or any of my other family you can pack your bags and get the hell out." Izzy looked mad, "You will not speak to her like that beaver!" She spat "I don't care who the hell you are, my Fiancé owns this hotel and you most certainly do not co own this hotel!" I laugh at her "Fiancé? is that so? And who might that be?" "How thick are you? Harry Potter of course!" I laugh even harder. She's furious now, I don't care though and laugh even more. After all that my grandmother jumped in "Alright, alright that's enough, all of you be nice to each other and behave" and with that we went inside to check in.

A/N: I'm not sure how often I'll be able to up load and I'm in school and also working on another book. I'll try to upload once or twice a week maybe more if I have time please vote and comment as it really keeps me motivated, have a good day 

Words: 933

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