can't we?

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at the boys house: you lay down in his king sized bed sinking into  the mattress. He shuts the door and smiles. Slowly walking over to you he in zips his pants, takes them off. He slowly takes his shirt off. When he's finished he climbs on the bed over to you. He climbs on you. You can feel his warm breath on your neck. He inches his lips closer and closer to your neck until their touching.
He softly rubs your waist. The lights are off just the both of you in the pitch dark. Clinging together. He pulls your shirt off and starts rapidly kissing your Neck. He stops for a moment moving up to your mouth. He moves to your chest now softly and slowly kissing. He pulls your gray sweatpants down and throws them across the room, making them hit the door. He moves his hands up to yours pinning them against the pillow. Your in between his legs. He starts again, kissing your neck. He tells you he loves you and continues to please you.

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