Chapter Four - Find BB-8

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Poe turned us in a different general direction than back to base. I already knew that we were heading back to Jakku and for BB-8. Finn however didn't.

"Whoa, where are you going?" Finn questioned

"We're going back to Jakku. That's where." Poe answered

"No, no, no. We can't go back to Jakku. We need to get out of this system." Finn stressed about our destination. It wasn't hard to figure out that Poe didn't last long without my mental protection, it was safer to go and get BB-8 now rather than later.

"I gotta get my droid before the first order does." Poe answered back

"A droid?!"

" BB unit Orange and white, one of a kind and he's mine Poe, my droid. Not yours, you always say he's yours, I let you borrow him for missions." I argued back

"I don't care what colour he is, or who's he is. No droid is that important. We gotta get as far away from the first order as we can. We go back to Jakku, we die" Finn retorted to the two of us.

"This one is! BB-8 has the map that leads Luke Skywalker." I shouted back.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me!" Finn exclaimed, just as I took my eye off the ball we were hit. Everything went black.

-3rd Person-

Finn woke up in his ejected seat, just before crash landing but it was not without fault, he to had been rendered unconscious. He told deep breaths as he unstrapped himself from the seat.

"Rory!" he yelled for the young woman had been in more dangerous waters with no harness "Rory!" he lifted himself up and looked around stumbling when he saw smoke from the ship, he tried to run over but with sand that was easier said than done, between him and the ship however he found Rory.

"Rory!" he dropped by her and shook her shoulder "Rory." the young woman was battered and bruised but alive, she groaned and held a hand to her head, Finn let out a sigh of relief as she came around.

"Finn?" she mumbled

"Thank god, your alive." he helped her to sit up as she squinted at the bright sunny dessert  "Come on, we gotta find Poe." he helped her up and supported her as they made their way to the wreckage.

"Stay here." he let he down and ran over "Poe! Poe!" he yelled going round the other other side where the other man had been,  he grabbed onto the jacket thinking it was Poe.

"I got you." he wasn't there, only the clothing he left behind The ship started to creek and Rory stood up

"Poe!" she screamed as the ship sunk into the sand, she then ran over to the former trooper and took his side. Once it was completely sunk the two of us looked at one another then there was this large boom.


Finn and I trekked across the dessert to find life and more importantly water. Then I would search for BB-8. Maybe not fighting in the first place was a mistake, maybe Poe would be alive. Finn shed his Storm trooper uniform and held Poe's jacket over us. Finally we overlooked a town.

"Finally." I breath. Finn took off running and I shook my head, that would only make him thirst more. "Finn walk, it will only make it worse!" i called and he slowed down. It took us a further half and hour to reach what we saw and Fin was begging for water. I grabbed him by the jacket and pulled him to a watering hole. The two of us drank in earnest and it was disgusting but needed. i washed my face and called myself down.

"Stay here, I'm going to make some inquires." I told him and he hummed as I walked away. While i was talking with one of the traders I heard a fight going on. I turned and saw a gang of goons ganging up on a girl.

"Oi!" i yelled running over. I punched one and forced back two more. I pulled out my lightsaber and backflipped crossing the two then there was only one left, the one holding the girl. He ran. The girl stared at me. as my lightsaber retracted. She scrambled to her feet and past me removing the clothing from something i turned.

"BB-8!" i chimed and he beeped happily to see me. I knelt down and petted the droid "You made it. Good droid!"

"She's your mistress?" The girl asked and BB-8 confirmed.

"I am and you are?" I wondered standing up, she copied me but her eyes glanced down and fixated on something. I looked at what she was staring out, my pendant had became freed from behind my clothing.

"Your her." she breathed

"Who her?" I questioned confused. BB-8 thought he saw Poe and I looked over

"Him?" The girl asked

"No, BB-8 that's not..." the girl took of running after Finn "That's not Poe" I groaned following after, Finn not knowing what was going on had ran off in fear. She took a shortcut and hit Finn to the ground.

"Seriously!" I exclaim "Are you okay?" I questioned our new ally

"What's your hurry their!" the girl jumped to conclusions

"Their?" BB-8 Zapped him and he winced

"No, BB-8. Okay the two of you back off." I warned standing in front of Finn "BB-8 he's not a thief, he's an alley,

"The jacket..." the girl started

"Is my friends, my dead friends, we crash landed and all that's left of him is that jacket. I said it was okay given the circumstances. BB-8 apologise, now." BB-8 beeped dejectedly "We were captured by the First Order, our new friend helped us escape but we crashed. Poe didn't survive." I explained and BB-8 mines in sadness. He  rolled away from us.

"BB-8!" I call.

"So your with the resistance?" she questioned us

"Yes we are." Finn jumped up taking my side and i glanced back at him. Did he seriously just lie? "We are with the resistance, yeah." I rolled my eyes

"We are with the resistance" he whispered

"I've never met a resistance fighter before." she grinned shyly and I sighed, I needed a ship to get back to base.

"Good for you. We need to go, do you you know where I can get a ship?" I asked her

"BB-8 says he's on a secret mission. He has a map that he has to get back to your secret base." I groaned and walked away from the two and over to BB-8.

"BB-8 what part of secret mission don't you get?, telling a outsider, especially with this." I lightly scold him and he apologises.

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