Across the 2nd Dimension (part-9)

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Sooooooooo..... It's been a while. I swear I have a perfectly good reason for it and I will give you the deads after the chapter cause obviously that's what you're here for.

Also, if you are reading any of the other works of mine, you will notice that the author's notes are the same. That's because I'm lazy and sleep deprived.

Also it's my birthday! So this is a treat from me to you. Enjoy the chapter!


"That song was awesome!" Buford said.

"Always expect the best from Love Handel." Holly said. Everyone stared chattering about the song before Adyson stopped them.

"Shh. We're getting closer to the portal."

Phineas and Perry try to sneak up on him, but Platyborg lands in front of Phineas and Perry. He grabs and throws them to the floor. Phineas' baseball launcher slides away as they land. Perry motions to the Other Dimensionator and hands Phineas his grappler. Phineas runs off as Platyborg lands, and he and Perry grapple.

Phineas fires the grapple hook up to the platform and rises up the cord. Doofenshmirtz-2 hears the sound it makes and looks up.

"What? Oh!" He throws a razor disc, which cuts the cord. Phineas falls from a height but lands on the couch from before. Doofenshmirtz-2 charges at him. "I've had just about enough of you, you..."

Phineas hits him with the cushion Perry peed on and runs. "Ugh, what is on this? Ugh!" Doofenshmirtz-2 takes it off and throws it at Phineas, who ducks.

"Gross!" everyone yelled, seeing the pee stain on the wall.

Meanwhile, Perry and Platyborg are fighting another corner. Perry punches Platyborg in the face but shakes his hand because of the pain. Platyborg then punches Perry, which causes his fedora to fall off, and sends him rocketing into a storage closet full of sports equipment, some of which falls out. Perry comes out in a football helmet and pads. He charges and slams into Platyborg, hitting him into a wall. Platyborg punches him in the face, but this time it's he who shakes his hand. Perry smirks, raps his knuckles on the football helmet, and shrugs smugly.

"He's so smug." Candace said with a smirk. It was fun to watch when he wasn't doing it on her. She didn't care what her parents or brothers say. That little meat-brick was always too smug with her, even with that mindless act of his.

Back in the ground, Candace and Stacy watch as the Normbots keep coming. "I was wrong, Stacy, about everything. I'm not a grown-up. I can't control mysterious forces. I can't even get my mom to see what my brothers are doing! Candace suddenly smiles. "Stacy, that's it! I can't get my mom to see what my brothers are doing!" she excitedly says as she runs off.

"Candace, where are you going?"

"I'm gonna bust my brothers to my mom! And I'm gonna fail!"

Stacy bursts out laughing. "Never in my life, would I think you would say that so happily." She said causing everyone to laugh. Even Candace had a sheepish smile on her face.

"Yeah, let's just hope it works."

At DEI, Doofenshmirtz is still at the front door, talking to Mrs. Thompson on the intercom.

"He's still there?" Katie asked, perplexed.

"No, it's Heinz Doofenshmirtz. You borrowed sugar from me this morning!"

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