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𝒲𝒶𝓉𝒸𝒽𝒾𝓃' 𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎 𝓂𝑜𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝒻𝑜𝑜𝓁𝒾𝓈𝒽 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓇'𝓈 𝑔𝒶𝓂𝑒

Shouta wasn't really surprised when he found that Y/N had left him to wake up by himself once more. He had kind of expected something like that to happen this time around. So he had just gone and went about his day, trying to move on as much as he could. He had quickly figured out that there was no point in trying to forget Y/N, because it just simply wouldn't work. He was in too deep, she had completely captivated him and he knew that he wasn't going to be able to just get over her that easily anymore. Not after that last night they had spent together.

Shouta didn't even really know whether she remembered it or not, but just before they had fallen asleep they had been talking. Or rather Y/N had been telling him some things that had just stuck with him. How she had to find a way to make money to survive after she had finished school. How she had found her assistant, Sakamoto, and how he had stuck with her ever since she started getting into the drug trade. How he was basically her only friend. How she was getting tired of being a villain...

That was when things had started getting hazy and when whatever she was saying hadn't made much sense anymore. It was just before she had fallen asleep in Shouta's arms. He was almost sure that she wouldn't remember telling him all of this. And if she had remembered she was probably scared or embarrassed. Hell, Shouta himself hadn't really been expecting her saying anything like this. He hadn't expected seeing her vulnerable like this. And when he woke up and she was gone and he remembered all of it, he wasn't really sure what to do or how to feel about her.

He had been so sure that he would have to go and arrest her and he just needed to get over himself to finally do it. He hadn't really thought that she would ever want to stop selling drugs. Even if she stopped she'd technically have to get arrested and go to prison for a long time. But with everything Shouta knew now... he wasn't sure whether he could actually do it. Whether he could capture her and get her arrested. He already knew he wouldn't be able to kill her, but now he doubted that he could actually arrest her at all. And the more he thought about it, the more he was convinced that he wouldn't be able to do it. He felt like he was too close to Y/N, like he was too involved already.

He had been spending the last few days trying to think about how he might manage to get out of this deal with the Commission without making them suspicious. He was no longer able to fulfil his end of the bargain, but he couldn't give them a reason that wouldn't make them suspicious of him. And if there was one thing that he definitely didn't want it was the Commission being suspicious of him. Especially when he didn't really know whether Y/N felt the same way as he did about this. Whatever dilemma he had been in before, it was only getting worse.

What surprised Shouta, however, was when Y/N's assistant showed up at his door a few days later, wanting to talk to him. It seemed like there was some very serious business going on with Y/N and he said that she wanted to see him and talk to him - really talk to him, not just mess around with him. Shouta was thrilled and at the same time he was worried about what all of that might mean. What if it was a trap? What if she had just been playing with him all this time and now decided to get rid of him? Shouta didn't know how to make sure that he was going to survive this.

Either way, he went and agreed to come with him. It felt a little bizarre, if he was honest. He gathered up his things quickly and went with him, not sure what to expect from this whole thing. It all felt a little bit as if they were in some mafia movie and as if Shouta was about to meet the leader of a gang and make some big deal. Maybe he was doing just that in some way. They went all the way to where Sakamoto had parked the car and Shouta got into the backseat.

He was even handed a blindfold as soon as he got into the back. Shouta didn't even try to ask questions. He just did what he was told. It made sense that he didn't get to see where he was or where they were going. Whatever she wanted to talk to him about, she couldn't know whether he would use whatever information he gathered against her. Not that he was planning to do that, but she didn't know. She didn't know that he wouldn't be able to actually do his job properly.

Shouta didn't know how long they had been driving. It had felt like hours, but he couldn't really tell whether it was that long or not. Time seemed to pass differently when he couldn't see anything. But at some point the car stopped completely and Shouta hurt Sakamoto turning the engine off, before getting out of the car and then opening his door. He was taking off his blindfold and gestured for him to get out of the car. Shouta did as he was told and climbed out of the car. He didn't recognize the area he was in. It looked almost rural and he was definitely not in the middle of the city anymore.

"Sakamoto-san... what exactly does Y/N want to talk to me about?" Shouta asked him, as he was following him towards a big house that looked like it was built in a rather traditional style. Not really what he had expected, but he liked it. Sakamoto glanced back at him with a small smile.

"I think it's better if she tells you herself. There is no need for you to be worried, however. Not unless you plan on betraying her." Sakamoto let him know. Shouta nodded and took off his shoes as they went inside the house.

"I'm not planning to betray her. I don't think I could." Shouta told him, as his eyes wandered over the paintings on the walls. They were very traditional paintings, some of them calligraphy, others just water colour paintings, all of it very tasteful and sublime. It really wasn't the vibe he had expected from Succubus. Maybe he could have imagined something similar from Y/N when she wasn't in her criminal persona... but even then it was a stretch. Still, it was a nice surprise.

"That's good. If you did betray her, I'd have to shoot you and I don't think she would like that very much. She'll be in the room to your right. Head inside when you're ready." Sakamoto told him, before moving on to go to some other part of the house. Shouta was a little surprised by how casually he mentioned that he'd have to murder him, but then again it didn't seem too out of place considering all the circumstances. He was in a villain's house after all.

Shouta took a deep breath and stared at the sliding door in front of him. He wasn't really sure whether he was ready or not, but he figured that he wouldn't be any readier if he just waited around, doing nothing. He stepped forward and knocked at the wooden frame of the door, waiting until he heard a very quiet "Come in!". Shouta opened the sliding door and stepped inside.

His breath hitched when he saw Y/N sitting at a small desk, just wearing a thin yukata in black and red (of course), looking up from her laptop with her beautiful (e/c) eyes. Her legs had been resting on the desk and the yukata had moved up a little, revealing part of her legs. She was beautiful. Not just hot or something like that, she was straight up beautiful when she was just herself.

"Shouta! I didn't... You got here fast..." she replied, trying to hide a smile from creeping onto her face. It didn't really work. She quickly closed her laptop and got up from the desk, walking up to him and holding out her arms for a hug.

"Y/N, I..." Shouta muttered and cleared his throat. He didn't even really know what to say to her, because he felt so overwhelmed with the situation. "I'm glad to see you again."

"Well, then act like it!" she replied with a laugh before wrapping her arms around him tightly, enveloping Shouta in her warmth and her scent.

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