Chapter 3 - Dangerous Woman

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I looked at the clock to realise my lunch break would start in about five minutes, which meant Miss Venable would come to my office soon. I couldn't figure out why, but somehow that just made me nervous.

It indeed didn't take long for the familiar thuds of her cane coming closer. She knocked three times gently on my office door, just as I had done this morning.

"Come in" I didn't know what that in my voice was, it almost sounded like excitement. I didn't like that at all.

She entered with a paper bag in her hand.
"Would you like to eat something first? I mean, it's your lunch break and I don't want to keep you from doing what you usually do."

"No, no, it's completely fine, really. It's kind of you to consider that."

I thought for a moment. I didn't really want to eat, but it was kind of her to consider it and I was also kind of curious to see someone like Miss Venable eat.

"To answer your question, yes, I'd like to eat first, if that's all right with you?"

"Absolutely Miss Y/l/n, do you mind me eating here?"

"Not at all, you're welcome to be my guest."

It was all so strange, I swear to god yesterday I hated that woman, but today... it seemed like a whole different world. She was acting so kind and genuine, it was a whole new side of hers, and, although I despise admitting that, I actually liked that side. And I hoped to see more of it.

Maybe the purple dragon wasn't a dragon at all.

Miss Venable sat down in front of me and opened her paperbag. I didn't bring any food because I didn't think I would eat, but here we are.

But as my boss took the content out, it was revealed she had got me something to eat too. A fresh cup of coffee and a baggle that was definitely from a bakery.

"Wow, thank you so much, Miss Venable."

She just nodded and started eating. I watched her which didn't go unnoticed.

"What are you looking at?" It wasn't rude, but rather amused.

"You. I mean, I don't wanna be rude or anything, but I've just never seen you do a thing like-"

"Eating?" I looked at her for a moment, convinced she would be mad, but instead, she chuckled.

I think this was the first time I saw Miss Venable do such a thing as showing emotion, and I must admit, it sounded rather beautiful. I wish I could see that more often.

"Don't worry darling, I know what you mean. I'm aware most of the employes see me as a cold hearted bitch." She still didn't sound mad.

I was a little taken aback as she could me darling. This was the first time she ever used a pet name on me, and though I couldn't understand why, I liked it.

I didn't really know what to answer, her words had taken my off guard. Of course I actually shared that opinion, but I felt the urge to deny it now somehow. At all, I started doubting my opinion of Miss Venable, it seemed as if I had gotten her completely wrong.

"I don't think you're a cold hearted bitch." It seemed to be the polite thing to say, but just as the words left my mouth, I realised they were true.

"Oh please, Miss Y/l/n, you can be frank with me. I hate liars."

"It's not- I'm not... lieing." I was aware of the fact that I probably sounded like the biggest liar right now because of my stuttering which made my cheeks redden.

"I know I'm known as the purple dragon around here. I'm not mad, I find it rather amusing." This whole conversation made me just so confused.

Of course she said she found it confusing, Miss Venable wasn't really one to show her emotions, but deep down, I knew it somehow must have hurt her.

Pain or Pleasure (Cordelia Goode vs. Wilhemina Venable x fem. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now