chapter 2

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I woke up to my mom knocking on my door telling me that I was late, I was so confused then I remembered I'm going to London today. 

I was so excited, I know I should be sad to leave but my life isn't the best my parents are divorced and my mom married a jerk "jack" I really don't like him he acts so nice when my mom is around and when she's not there he's a total asshole I mean he treats my mom really good but not to me I really don't know whats his problem it's not like I did anything to him, And he was the reason I lost my best friend... 


[Harry and Louis are both 15]

I was at Louis' house he's been my best friend since we were kids he was the person I always go to if I had a problem he was always there for me and I was there for him.

we were in the backyard "boo I told you I don't know how to play football" Louis always wants to play football and he's really good at it but I'm not, like at all and he tries to teach me but it never goes well "I know haz just for me please" he makes a cute puppy face he knows  i cant say no to that face, I sigh "fine but if I hurt my feet again I will sue you" he laughs and kisses my cheek and yes we are a bit touchy and a lot of people think that we're dating and I get why they think that but we've been like this since we were kids so it's normal to us "thanks hazza, you are getting good at it you just need practice" he says as he kicks the ball to me and i try to kick back but I tripped and fall on my back, Louis runs to me to cheak if i was okay and when he sees that I'm fine he starts laughs so hard I would be mad at him but I love seeing him laugh so I just playfully roll my eyes at him and he just smiled and helps me get up "I think thats it practicing for today" he says and I look at him and say "you think" he laughs and we get inside the house. 

"haz I have a question" we were just laying on his bed "ask" I say not really hesitating I would tell Louis anything "do you think if get older we would still be close" I was confused "what do you mean" he takes a deep breath then says "like if we both are out of school and maybe get married would we still be as close as we are now?" I look at him "I've never thought about that but if we are out of school and we don't go to the same uni I will want to talk to you all day every day and if I ever get married I would want you to be there with me" he looked back at me "really?" we stare at the eyes of each other as I say "boobear you mean so much to me I don't think I can live a day knowing that you're not in my life" his eyes get teared up"no boo don't cry" I say as I cuddle him, he looks up at me and says "thank you hazza" I just smile and kiss his forehead, we stayed like that for a while and then this mum called us for dinner.

I love having dinner at Louis' house he has an amazing family and he had two baby twin sisters they're about 1 and they are the cutest thing ever, I consider his family as my second family because I really love them and this mum is literally the nicest person ever Louis is a lot like her.  

we were having dinner and just talking "so harry did you start packing?" jay asked me I was confused I didn't know what she meant "packing for what" she looked at me with a shocked face I was so confused now and I looked at Louis he was sitting in front of me and he looked as confused as I was "mum what do mean?" Louis asked "umm n-nothing" she looked at her plate looking very panicked, I got worried there was something she was not telling me and I didn't like that at all and I think Louis noticed because he asked again "why should he be packing mum?" she looked irritated this time," I said its nothing Louis eat your dinner" I know she was mad because she called him by his name she always calls him "boobear" that's why I call him that because at the first day of kindergarten I heard her call him that when she picked him up, and the next day I called him that he didn't like that I did at first but then he got used to it.

the rest of the dinner was just silent and I think I should go home now so I got up and went to Louis room to get my stuff I was in his room putting my things in my bag when Louis enters the room "haz you okay you didn't finish your dinner" he asks hand on my shoulder "yeah I'm okay I just- I think I should go home" louis frowned but he nodded "let me walk you home" we lived close like five minutes apart I just nodded we went down and I said bye to his family and he told his mum that he's walking me home and we just started walking to my house we were silent the whole time but it wasn't awkward I fell like we both knew that we should just stay silent.

when we got to the house we were at the front door I was about to go inside when Louis pulled me in a very tight hug and I really needed it so I just hugged him back "it's going to be okay love" Louis said "I know boo" he pulled away looking me in the eyes "I'm always here if you need me" I smiled at him and he kissed my cheek and said goodbye.

I get inside the house my mum and jack are talking and my mum looked worried when they saw me my mum said "harry jay just called me and told me what happened"I look at jack and he looked like he was happy? oh no that's never good "yeah what did she mean when she said if I 'started packing' are we going somewhere?" my mum looked at jack then back at me "okay I'll just say it " she said and that made me feel so nervous "we're moving".


thanks for reading I hope you liked it 

All the love. A <3

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