chapter 3

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"we're moving" 

my heart started beating really fast "w-we are what" john sighs "we're moving kid didn't you hear" he said in a somewhat loud voice which made me flinch a little "john don't do that it's already bad that we didn't tell him earlier" my mum said "look haz john got a new job in Manchester and we have to go with him" I can feel my eyes water as my mum said that "no no no that not fair what about my friends here my school my life" and then it hit me as tears run down my face "what about Louis.." john looked annoyed "stop being a baby" I started to get really angry "FUCK YOU YOU'RE RUINING MY LIFE I HATE YOU" he also got angry "HEY YO-" "STOP BOTH OF YOU" mum said clearly very frustrated " harry go to your room" she said and I really wanted to be alone so I just stood up and got in my room.

about 15 minutes later I was still crying on my bed I couldn't sleep at all I just can't stop thinking about how I had to leave Louis I can't leave him he's literally everything to me how am I supposed to tell him I'm not going to see him every day I can not see him every day I love him.

I was crying so much that I didn't feel myself falling asleep.



I wake up with a headache and someone knocking on my door.

"come in" I say as I sit upon my bed I'm still not dressed so I didn't go to open the door and to be honest, I didn't have the energy to get up. 

" Hey haz" Louis says as he enters my room it was like every day the first one to get up goes to the others house sometime we would meet on the way, but today I didn't want to see anyone but Louis wasn't anyone but that makes it harder by him being here.

he walked in and sat on my bed next to me smailed he kissed my cheek then he looked at my face and then frowned "what wrong love" I looked at my hands and I can feel the tears on my face he saw my face and he hugged me "talk to me babe" he says as he rubbed my back "I-i can't-" I say as I sob in his arms "why not haz it's me you tell me anything" I try to breathe so I can talk but I fail because I can't stop crying "hey hey look at me" Louis says holding my face in his hands "try to breathe deep and slowly okay" I try to and I calmed down as I breathe "okay it's going to be okay" he says hugging me again "NO NOTHING IS OKAY LOUIS" I scream as I pull away "haz please tell me what's wrong" he looked at me with really worried eyes" I don't want to go lou" he looked me in the eyes "go where haz" he says getting really worried so he held my hand "away.." he looked confused "away?" I sigh and look back down "manchester" he laughed a little "why would you go to manchester" I was calm but tears are still running my face slowly "because it's not my choice" I say as I look at him he looked so confused "haz what are you saying" "please don't hate me" he looked me in the eyes " I would never hate you hazza and now you're scaring me so would you please tell me why you're crying so I can try and fix it" "that's the thing boo you can't" "what?" he asked looking very sad this time "we're moving" he was really shocked of what I said "w-what" "we are moving to manchester" his eyes started to water "but why" he said as a tear fall down his face "because fucking john got a stupid job there and we have to go with him" "I fucking hate that bitch" he says and I hug him so tight "I know boo I hate him too" we stayed like that for awhile without talking

we were now cuddling on my bed when Louis broke the silence  "b-but what about me are you just going to leave me here alone" we were both crying now "boo y-you know I don't want to leave you" he takes a beep breathe and I cuddled into him more "okay why don't you stay me" I look up at him with a confused face "w-what do you mean" he sits up and says "move in with me in my room there's space for both of us" I sigh "lou you know I can't just leave my family" "so it's okay with you to leave me" he said in sad and kind of angry voice " I didn't say that" he stands up and take his things "lou don't go"  as he was wearing his shoes "why you clearly don't careabout me " I was in shock how can he think I don't care about him he's the most important person in my life and he is mad at me for somthing he knows I can't control "you are a fucking asshole" I say to him with a  straight face "oh yeah because I'm the one who is leaving" he replied with an annoyed voice "just get the fucking out of here" I say he gets up and was about to leave when he turns around and looks at me in the eyes "good luck on your new life I hope I never see you again " after that he left. 

when Louis left I started crying a lot I know he was an asshole but I already miss him so much.

Louis and I have fought a lot but when we did it was about stupid things but this time it's different this time I think I lost my best friend and it's the hardest thing a person can go through I just never thought that I would ever lose Louis he was my boobear my everything but now there is a missing piece in my heart that I don't I think will ever be back. 


thanks for reading I hope you liked it

All the love. A <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2022 ⏰

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