pumpkinpounce & snowstrike

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Snowstrike: a fluffy white tom with blue grey ears and legs stockings and pitch black eyes

Pumpkinpounce: a ginger tom with brown eyes, ears, underbelly, and paws with a brown tip on his tail

Pumpkinpounce was stalking through the woods, it was mid leaf-fall as he could feel the breeze was leaf-bare blow through his fur as he sniffed the crisp air. A leaf fell down from a tree which he started swatting at like a kit. He chased the leaf around leaping into the air to bat at it, in process probably scaring off all the near by prey. He tumbled down a hill into a piles of leaves scattering them everywhere. He started rolling around in them getting completely side tracked from his main goal, catch prey for thunderclan. He heard pawsteps nearby and immediately shot up looking around for the source of the sound. A snowy white tom with pure black eyes walked out of the bushes with an unhappy expression and walked over to Pumpkinpounce an flopped down next to him. Pumpkinpounce laid there for a moment before getting up and bouncing around the tom hopping over him kicking up the leaves that had fallen from the trees. The tom lifted his head and looked at him before getting up and pouncing at him. Pumpkinpounce dodged and Snowstrike faceplanted into the ground. Pumpkinpouce giggled to himself and the tom stood up pouncing at him again catching him off guard managing to knock him down to the ground. He kicked him off rolling over in the process and quickly stood back up to face hi. The two started play fighting their claws sheathed until there was a rustling in the bushes. The two cats fell silent and Pumpkinpounce stood up crouching down to slowly stalk towards the bush. He leaped into the bush sticking his head out a few seconds later a snowy white rabbit in his jaws. Snowstrike made a small smile and gestured for Pumpkinpounce to follow him before turning to walk to camp. Pumpkinpounce followed him through the forest the sound of crisp leaves crunching underneath their paws.

On the way back Snowstrike paused looking up at a tree before crouching down and leaping up at it climbing up it. He walked onto a branch stalking silently towards a robin before pouncing catching the bird before it even had a chance to react. He leapt down from the tree branch in front of Pumpkinpounce with a small smirk. Pumpkinpounce rolled his eyes and they made their way back to camp.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2022 ⏰

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