Chapter 1. ^^

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Everyday I see him at the same spot by the statue of the seven at windrise.

I sit there admiring his beauty, while he's painting a drawing of a crystal fly.

'Kaeya are you sure your okay sitting there until I'm done?'

'Why yes of course! I wouldn't be here if I wasn't.'

'It's almost done just a few more details.'

'Take your time I have all day ^^'

'Are you sure Jean doesn't mind you coming here?'

'Well U-uhm I think she'll understand..! I hope at least "

Albedo laughs softly as he goes back to his drawing painting ,on the finishing touches.

'Okay, done!'

Kaeya gets up from where he is sitting to go see albedo's drawing.

'Oh wow! This is really good albedo!'

'Well U-uhm thank you..?'

Albedo was always used to being by himself so, the compliment caught him off guard.

'Do you not like compliments Mr.Albedo?'

'I-it's not like that it just caught me off guard you know?'

'So humble Mr.Albedo!'

'We should probably be going back now Kaeya it's getting late'

Kaeya didn't seem to notice that it turned from noon to dusk so fast.

'Would you like me to walk you too your house albedo?'

'You don't have too, I'll be just fine.'

'I'm still going to walk you though, is that fine with you?'

'Whatever just be quiet Klee might be asleep'

'Babysitting klee again huh?'

'I don't mind it '

 -timeskip to when they get to albedo's house/lab-

'Well goodnight kaeya .'

'Goodnight my love ~'

' Y-you're what now?!'

And with that kaeya walked away

-sorry this chapter was so short it's 12 at night and I still have to do my homework 😭😭. these chapters will probably becoming out hourly or daily probably both.Thank you for reading!!-

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