3: Give It Back!

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Abuela's Pov:

I went down stairs and saw a flower pot shattered everywhere on the floor. I called everyone down stairs and looked exactly at Mirabel and Camilo. "Can anyone explain?" I look at every each individual Madrigal standing like soldiers. Not a single one spoke up. "Camilo and Mirabel?" Camilo and Miravel said nothing.

Someone not so surprising spoke up. "I'm sorry! I was cleaning and I accidentally knocked over the floor pot! I cut myself so I had to take an arepa!" I was so angry! She has no shame in what she does. "Mirabel! Do you think this is a playground?!" I yelled. "No... and I said I was sorry!" Mirabel fixed her green glasses on her face and smiled.

"Mirabel this is not a laughing ma-!" someone raised there voice over my own, completely cut mine out. "It's just a flower pot! Are you mad?! That can be cleaned and Isabella can make another of that same flower and I can just get a brand new pot! Why do you have to pick on Mirabel like that?"! Camilo had the AUDACITY to raise his voice on me! On me!

"Camilo! Are you forgetting who owns this casita?!" I stamped my foot on the floor making only Mirabel jump. "Mami!" I look back at Pepa. "Why are you acting so childish?!" I widened my eyes. "Me childish?! Did you forget what I said?! If I live in a house were my own children are raising there voice or talking back to me, they will receive a punishment!" I yelled.

"If I last checked, this casita is is not controlled by you!" Camilo made a snarky comeback at me. "Camil-!" "What are going to do give me another punishment?! Because I'll like to see you try!" I felt like I was being insulted! "Camilo to your room!" Camilo stood there.

"Casita take him out the house!" the bricks in the floor moved, sending Camilo out the house. "Camilo!" Mirabel ran to the door. I clicked my fingers and the door closed. "He will be with us until he realises his mistake!" I walk up the stairs but stop midway. "And as for you Mirabel, clean up that mess!" I continued walking up stairs.

"Mami! Let Camilo go!" Pepa yells at me. "If you do not I will come there and give you the slap of your life!: I look back at Pepa and saw it was thundering. "Pepa calm down! He will be bac-!" "No! Let me son go!" Felix had to hold Pepa down from attacking me. I clicked my fingers and the door opened. Camilo entered inside and Pepa hugged him tight. "My baby!" she cried. I loked back at Mirabel with disgust in my eyes.

Mirabel's Pov:

There was to much noise for me to handle. I ran up stairs in my room after Camilo came back. I looked for the razor under my bed but I could find it! I looked everywhere in my room and still couldn't find it. I searched in my room for 30 minutes and still couldn't find it! Camilo must have taken it!

I banged on Camilo's door but he wouldn't respond. "Camilo give it back! I need it! Please!" I cried. I banged and soon it began to attract the entire Madrigals. I felt the pressure of all eyes on me. I couldn't control myself and flat out started crying like a little child. "Camilo! I want it back!" I banged and kicked at the door.

Mami had to take me away to make me stop. "Mirabel please stop! Your hirting the casita," I ignored her and continued shouting. "I want it back!" I acted like a toddler having a tantrum. I started breathing heavily and mami began to notice. "Mirabel! Stop please!" I took deep breaths in and out but I didn't work. "I want it back! Give it back Camilo!" I slipped out my mami's grasp and started banging at Camilo's door again.

"Camilo!" tía Pepa called Camilo out. Camilo opened his door and I ran inside, searching for my razor. "Mirabel!" mami called me. Camilo closed the door on me. "Mirabel calm down," I looked at Camilo, eyes widen. "Me?! CALM DOWN?!" I laughed. "I thought you knew how much it means to me! I need it back! Camilo give it!" Camilo didn't listen to me at all. "I hate you!" I cried.

Camilo's Pov:

All I could hear was Mirabel banging on my door. I didn't answer till my mami called outside. "Camilo!" I sighed. I opened the door and Mirabel ran inside. I looked at my mami and she looked at me. I closed the door and walked up to Mirabel. "Mirabel calm down," I sighed again. She looks at me with wide eyes. "Me?! CALM DOWN?!" Mirabel laughed. "I thought you knew how much it means to me! Camilo give it back!" I didn't listen to Mirabel.

"I hate you!" Mirabel cried. She sat on my bed and sobbed. I comforted her and she slowly calmed down. "Mirabel what's wrong?" I gave her some water and an arepa. "When ever I see Abuela I feel sick. Not literally, but I feel like something bad is going to happen. There was so much noise and I felt a bit stressed... I'm sorry for what I said... I didn't mean it..." Mirabel started to tear up again.

"Mirabel... why would I be mad at my favourite cousin?" I smiled. Mirabel looked at me and smiled back. "When I'm angry I say things I don't mean! I mean! Have you seen how I'm like with Abuela?!" I laughed. Mirabel laughed as well. "I guess!" Mirabel smiled. "Are you ready to go now?" I asked. "Yes I am!" Mirabel smile. I offer a hand and she took it. We stood up together and I opened my door.

Dolores' Pov:

I walked out my room because I could hear Mirabel looking through her drawers. She seemed to be looking for something just would say what it was. The next I heard loud banging from Camilo door. I covered my eyes so I wouldn't hear but then I heard Mirabel's voice. 'What did Camilo take from her? '

"Camilo give it back! I need it! Please!" I stepped outside my door and Mirabel was outside Camilo's. She glances at me and continues banging on Camilo's door. 'Good thing Abuela isn't here! She would have gotten Mirabel in serious trouble!' I saw tía Julieta trying to calm down Mirabel but it didn't work.

"Camilo!" mami called for Camilo to get out his room. He opened the door and Mirabel ran inside searching for that very something she wanted. Camilo looked at mami with serious eyes and closed the door. "Dolores can you hear what they're saying?" I looked at tía Julieta and she looked extremely worried. More worried than me actually. "Mirabel calm down," Camilo sounded so calm when she said that. "Me?! CALM DOWN?!" Mirabel started laughing.

"Camilo is trying to get Mirabel to calm down but Mirabel won't," I look back at tía telling her what I've heard so far. "Now to think of it, Mirabel laughs a lot more often when she's in pain," I said. "I thought you knew how much it means to me! Camilo give it back!" Mirabel whined, crying to say the least.

Camilo said nothing and I'm sure that pissed Mirabel. "I hate you!" Mirabel sounded like she was wailing like a whale. I heard the sound of Mirabel's breathing, she was starting to calm down. "Mirabel is finally calming down," I smiled. Tía sighed and hugged tío. "Mirabel what's wrong?" Camilo must have given Mirabel some water. I heard a bag opening and it sounded like an arepa taken out from a bag.

"When ever I see Abuela I feel sick. Not literally, but I feel like something bad is going to happen. There was so much noise and I felt a bit stressed... I'm sorry for what I said... I didn't mean it..." Mirabel began to tear up. Mirabel said, "When ever I see Abuela I feel sick. Not literally, but I feel like something bad is going to happen. There was so much noise and I felt a bit stressed... I'm sorry for what I said... I didn't mean it..." I copied exactly what Mirabel said.

"What exactly did she mean by that?" Tía asked. "I don't know," soon the door began to open. "Mirabel!" Tía Julieta hugged Mirabel, embracing a hug. Camilo had his hands in pockets and walked out his room, closing the door. "Camilo?" I question but Camilo just put his hand up in defence, saying he didn't want to answer my question.

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