"You're an asshole!"

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Ryder wakes up another day as a wicked worker. She has always known it was wrong but there was nothing she could do, besides she found out she got the flare just yesterday and is working harder then ever to find a cure.
She gets out of bed with a yawn and stretches. Taking a glance at her unmade bed shrugs it off as she gets to work early.
Ryder was testing blood, when her hand started shaking and she couldn't control it. She tried her best to hide it under the table, but her coworker saw, rolled up her sleeve,all the color drained in her face as she looked at the horror in front of her. She pushed a red button sending flashing lights and a alarm through the building. WICKED guards grabbed her from under the arms and dragged her to Ava Paige's office.
"She's infected, what do we do with her?" one of guards asked while Ryder attempted to squirm from their grasp, but failing.

"How far is she?" Ava asked as the gaurd rolled up her sleeve revealing black and blue veins crawling up her arm, coming from a black circle on her forearm. "Just a couple days along."
"Alright send her outside Denver's walls. wipe her memories first, we don't want her getting and ideas," Ava commanded not letting tears weld up in her eyes. Ava has always been very found of Ryder and would do anything to protect her.
"Get off of me!" Ryder screamed being dragged through the halls grappling everyone's attention. They laid her in a table and injected her with a strange liquid sending her into a black abis. She wakes up with her hands tied behind her back by ropes,  sitting in the trunk of a car bumbling along the rough road. With only a couple memories, her name, and she's infected with a brain attacking virus. She tries to wiggle out of the ropes.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you," The driver said slowly pulling to a stop in a empty ally. Ryder looks around, there are houses, more like shacks, broken buildings, people everywhere with different emotions, sad, scared, angry, hungry, the list could go on. The guard in the passenger seat hopped out and jumped Into the truck bed, unlatching the gate on the truck. He grabs Ryder by her wrists and slams her back onto her knees before she can ask anything. He cuts the rope with a knife and kicks her off the bed of the truck. It's nice again before she can say anything he throws her a backpack full of god knows what, and drove away. Coming back to her senses Ryder yelled one sentence only: "Your an asshole!" They obviously Heard- but didn't care what she said before driving farther then Ryder can see. She never realized but she was with another girl. She had long brown hair brown eyes and fair skin. The girl looked up at Ryder
"Who are you?" The mystery girl asked
"The names Ryder," Ryder answered helping the girl up.
"Thanks my names Flynn."
"That's a pretty name," Ryder said while picking up the two pack backs, passing one to Flynn as she dusted her self off barley catching the bag
"Oi!" was the only thing Flynn said still managing for a small laugh to escape from Ryders lips.
"What even are in these bags-" she cut her self off, "where are we?" Flynn asked. Ryder just shrugged "I'm just as confused as you, but we aren't gonna get anywhere just standing here. Come on."

Short first chapter it was more like a Prologe.

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