Heartbroken Songs are Bittersweet (Ranboo, Tubbo)

18 2 14

Story can be /p or /r, however you want to interpret it.

[Context: you are tubbo's sibling and have recently (literally just) gone through a breakup, ranboo is over in the UK rn staying with you guys.
Tw: severe heartbreak / panic attack]

The door slams in front of you and you feel your heart breaking in two. He's gone.

Your boyfriend of 2 years has left, and you know this time he's not coming back.

After a few moments of stunned silence, you body unfreezes, and you let yourself collapse on the bed.

It takes you a minute to realize you're crying, but you can't seem to stop.

You curl up into a ball, sobbing, and wait for it all to go away. It's not going away.

Why won't this feeling go away??

It feels like your heart is freezing over, numb from the pain, but then you remember what happened all over again and it shoves you down into the abyss. You second guess everything.

Could I have done something differently? Was this my fault? You go over every conversation you've ever had with him, looking for some kind of sign, but you can't find anything.

Minutes, or maybe hours later, you have no idea, the crying starts to fizzle out.

You're left with nothing inside you, just emptiness, and the residue of the shattered pieces of your heart that are left behind.

Forcing yourself out of your little bubble, you sit up and reach for your guitar.

This is the only way to get my feelings out, you reason.

After a few seconds of remembering chords, you start to play and sing.

"I was the knight in shining armor in your movie. Would put your lips on mine and love the aftertaste."

You hear steps outside the door but don't care.

"Now, I'm a ghost, I call your name you look right through me. You're the reason I just can't concentrate."

Tubbo opens the door shyly.

"Y/k?" He asks, but you don't respond. Looking just as worried, Ranboo follows him inside. Your heart skips a beat.

"I, I've been trying to fix my pride
But that shit's broken, that shit's broken."

Slowly, Ranboo and Tubbo come and sit on either side of you, making the tears that had just gone away threaten to fall again.

"Lie, lie, l-lie I tried to hide
But now you know it."

Out of nowhere, Ranboo starts singing the harmony of the chorus with you, his deep voice balancing perfectly with your high one.

"That I'm at an all time
Low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low."

After repeating the chorus a couple times, you let your voice fade and the guitar slips from your fingers.

Your eyes are on the floor and you aren't paying much attention, but you can hear whispers and then Tubbo leaves the room.

Ranboo doesn't say anything for a gee minutes, letting the two of you sit in silence.

It's not an awkward silence, but a comfortable one. He doesn't touch you, but gives you your space, and you're thankful for that.

After a few minutes pass in silence, Ranboo starts talking.

"When I was 16, a girl broke my heart. She'd asked me out of Valentines Day. She had been my crush at the time, not that she knew. Nevertheless I was ecstatic, and said yes inmediately.

"We began dating officially a week after that. I didn't think I could be happier. But then, only a few weeks later, I caught her cheating on me. With my best friend. Kissing in a back room at my party." His voice is bitter, but he keeps talking. Clearly this is a hard topic for him to reccount.

"I was distraught for weeks, y/k. I don't think I left my room for days. Did you know that I believe in soulmates?" You shake your head. He keeps talking. "Finally, my best friend, your brother, got me out of my slump by playing bed wars with me. He told me that if she's not going to respect me and love me, then I shouldn't respect and love her either.

"Of course it was hard to get over. But I did. And I'm so glad. So much happier because of it."

Suddenly he reaches over and wraps you into a hug. You sink into it, holding it much longer than a normal hug would have lasted.

When you finally pull away, you look up at him with a sniffle and a smile.

"Thank you. You don't know how much I needed to hear that."

"Of course. I'll always be there for you, y/k. Always."

I'm not rly sure what that was I just wanted to write again lol

Also not sure why I chose 2nd person it was super weird I had to keep correcting myself.

Finally, yes this was inspired by a tiktok audio :P

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