Someone's at the Door (Quackity)

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Context: y/k is tommy's sibling and someone shows up at the door while their streaming

The laughter from the call rings in my headphones but I can't hear it over my own laughing.

"When's Quackity gonna join the stream?" asks Karl, a few second after we all stop laughing.

"I don't know," I reply. "He's been texting me for weeks about a "big surprise" he's been planning for me, but won't tell me what it is. Anyway, he said it's today, so he must be planning that or something."

"I know what it iiiiis," Tommy, my little brother, sings on the call, and the others crack up.

"Wait seriously? Tommy knows something y/k doesn't?" Sapnap asks sarcastically and Tommy starts shouting in the mic. I can hear him from the room over, muffled, as well as in the call.

I decide to call Quackity, suddenly wondering myself what he could be doing. He hasn't been in a call with anyone today, far as I know, and that's unusual. Besides, I miss him.

Since the week I spent in Los Angeles two months ago with loads of other content creators, (including Quackity), I've missed him more than I've admitted to myself.

Our friendship had definitely... changed that week. I don't know if we're even still "friends".

I wouldn't call "sneaking away from a convention to make-out in the nearby empty room" friend behavior.

Especially not when it happens more than three times...

Either way, we had barely talked about it since. Although, I had noticed a more flirtatious character on streams, and extra heart emoji's when we texted each other.

Quackity picked up on the second ring.

"Y/k! Hi!" Surprisingly, the audio quality was terrible. It was clear he wasn't at his normal setup. In fact, it even sounded like traffic in the background, and I could hear his steps as he walked along what I assumed was a sidewalk.

"I'm live! I'm live!" I say quickly.

"I know," laughs Quackity.

"Where are you?" I ask, confused. I see Tommy smile mischievously and glance from side to side. Quackity laughs again.

"End your stream and you'll find out."

"What is that even supposed to mean?"

"Tommy, do you think chat should know where I am?" Quackity asks, giggling just as hard as my brother now.

"You know where he is?!" I shout across the house to my brother. "Hang on-" I send a facetime request to Quackity and he accepts, zoomed in super close to his face so I can't see his surroundings. Just seeing his face makes me smile, though, and I blush as soon I as realize he can see me too.

"Hey there sexy," Quackity says, making me laugh.

"Hold on, why are you wearing such warm clothes?" I ask. "Isn't it, like, super hot in Mexico.

Quackity shivers. "It is definitely not warm where I am right now. Tommy, you didn't answer my question. Do you think chat should know where I am, right now?"

I hear the footsteps stop from the phone: he's stopped walking.

"Yes, 100%" says Tommy.

"Alright..." Quackity says. "Are you ready y/k? Ready for the surprise I've been planning for weeks?"

"Oh my gosh, Quackity, FINALLY! Yes, show me!" The chat is going wild.

"Alright cool give me a minute. Be right back."

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