Dancing with Memories (Technoblade)

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Context: y/k and technoblade are immortal gods along with Phil and Techno has been missing for centuries

The music of the festival was loud, and the lights shone brightly, illuminating the night.

The decorations were hung all over L'Manberg and there were people everywhere, clapping, talking, laughing, and smiling.

I didn't know if I'd ever seen this many people at once in L'Manberg, let alone getting along and having fun together.

I let the fast faced violin music take me away to another world, dancing as if the problems of yesterday and tomorrow were far away.

The music reminded me of a different time, a nicer time, when everything was perfect.

Before L'Manberg, before the Dream SMP. Just me, Techno, and Phil. The immortals.

Techno would play the violin, Phil would laugh, and I would dance. Sometimes, when Techno and I were alone, he would enchant the violin to play itself.

He would hold out his hand, ask me to dance, and the whole world would fade away.

Just the two of us, dancing together, 'til the end of time.

First, Phil left. The Angel of Death finally found his match: the Goddess of Death.

The two were perfect for each other, that was plain to see, so I didn't complain, or feel saddened after he left. He was where he was supposed to be.

And Techno was still there, after all. He was all I ever really needed.

But then he was gone too.

One too many battles, one too many voices in his head, and he snapped.

They drove him crazy, those voices.

I could calm him down, I was the only one who could calm him down, but... it wasnt enough.

He'd promised that he would always stay with me. He'd broken that promise.

That night, we had danced again. I finally saw the man that had been slipping away from me - an eternity of voices crowding in your head will do that to you, you know.

Yes, we'd danced that night. It was wonderful. I'd clasp my hands in his and we'd dance around the room, spinning and tapping until we had no more dancing left in us.

I fell asleep easy that night. For the first time in nearly 100 years.

But that morning, when I woke up, he was gone.

It didn't matter how long or hard I searched for him, it was like he'd disappeared off the face of the SMP.

Centuries passed. Countries started, and fell, and I was there through it all, an eternal impartial observer.

Phil and Kristen started a family, a young boy by the name of Wilbur.

I watched him grow up.

One night, I woke up in the middle of the night, troubled by insomnia, as I usually am. Plagued by nightmares, you could say.

I enchanted a violin in the garden to play, listening to the beautiful music play, but not allowing myself to dance.

I saw Wilbur watching me from the window. I think that's where he learned to love music so much.

Wilbur grew up, and started a nation with his friends. L'Manberg. I stood proudly inside the walls of the country, never fighting or interfering in war, but standing by my nephew's side.

And now, the festival. The lights are bright, the laughing and chatter sounding like music to my ears. But the true music was playing in the center of the town square.

Violin, a fast-paced song. One I'd danced to centuries before.

I let the music take me away, my body falling into rhythms I'd thought long gone. I hadn't danced since he'd left.

I saw a crowd form around me. My shoes tapped against the floor to the beat of the music, my dress bounced up and down, and my body spun around, pretending there was a partner with me.

Almost with a silent wish to the universe, I extend my arms, as if there were someone there to take them and spin me away to the music.

And then someone takes my hands.

I look up, but I already know who it is. I've spent enough centuries holding these calloused hands to know who it is.

Technoblade stands in front of me, dancing along to the music. The crowd starts to clap and cheer along.

As the song slows, Techno pulls me away from the crowd. Before he or I can talk, he kisses my hand.

"Y/k, I'm sorry." he begins. I hush him before he can continue.

"I know you won't fight for L'Manberg in this war. And yes, I know there is a war coming. I won't fight again you, though. I've spent long enough without you, darling, and-"

He spins me around, then pulls me in close.

"Thank you." It's all he says, but it's enough. He's thanking me for forgiveness, for waiting, for staying by his side.

We dance alone in the garden as the violin continues to play.

Two thousand years have passed and yet it feels like just a day.

We're back where we're meant to be.

I tried writing inside the world of the SMP this time! I've always loved the headcannon that phil and Techno are immortal so I decided to play on that!

Have a wonderful day! <3

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