Seventh year

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             Hermione glanced at the clock. There were just a few more minutes until the train arrives. She couldn't wait to go back to Hogwarts and yet, she felt a bit nervous. She felt as though someone was beating African drums in her chest. Hermione told herself that that was just the result of being extremely excited about going back to school and seeing her friends again. However, she had a strange feeling that something was going to be different...

             The Hogwarts express finally arrived. "There you are! Harry, Ron and I have been looking for you!" Hermione's bubbly friend, Ginny, exclaimed as the train screeched to a halt. Ginny, "the chosen one" and the guy who's obsessed with food enveloped her into a bone- crushing hug before the four of them boarded the train.
               They found an empty compartment to sit in and took their seats. Crookshanks leaped into Hermione's lap and started to curl up into a ball.  " 'Mione, how was your summer bre-?" Ginny started but was interrupted by a knock on the compartment door.

               A/N  Hii sorry if the story is a bit short. I have to Ho for a programme at school. K, I'll see you soon!🤓  Cya!

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