On The Hogwarts Express

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I got a feeling everyone was looking at us. Maybe because the King cross station was crowded but maybe because of Sparkle who was moving around in her cage and calling attention. Mom and dad stopped in front of a wall right between platform 9 and 10 and giggled.

"So. Are you ready to go?" my dad asked.

"I do not know what you mean. There must be an error. There is no such platform here".

I answered looking again for the information on the ticket.

"Look. This is how you do it".

My dad took my suitcases and went some steps behind. Then he watched carefully around as if he did not want anybody to see him because the next thing he did was running- He was running towards the wall. Right before I could gasp, before my dad crashed with the wall, my dad disappeared.

I stood with an open mouth there and thought this was a joke. My mom put a hand on my shoulder.

"This is how all wizards travel to the Hogwarts express. Are you ready?"

I nodded but in reality, I was not ready at all. I tried to be brave and straightened the grip on Sparkle's cage. My mom took my other hand. She counted to 3 and we began to run.
I felt my heart beating very fast as if it was going to jump out of my chest. I closed my eyes. I prepared for the crash. What if the wall did not want me to go to Hogwarts?
I did not have time to think about that because some seconds later my mom stopped running and I stopped next to her.

"Open your eyes, Blue" she said.

I opened my eyes. The wall disappeared. There where people, different people. They all had difderent pets with them. Those people looked more like wizards, I would recognize them anywhere. I saw my dad packing my suitcase in the train. He came back when he saw me and my mom. I was still looking around when my mom hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. My dad joined in our big hug and we stood there for a while. I heard the whistle from the train.

"So. It's time for you to go", said my dad as he let away from me and mom.

I straightend the grip on Sparkle's cage. I was about to cry but I could hold on for a bit.

"Remember what I said. Stay away from troubles!" reminded me my mom.

I nodded and walked towards the train. I almost got knocked out by a plump red headed woman. She was holding a fat old looking rat. I could see her running towards a window on the train and giving the rat to her son. He also had red hair. I heard her say:

"Don't forget him and take care of him!"

But I did not pay attention. I actually disliked rats and mouses and was relieved as I saw on the list that only cats, howls and toads were accepted in Hogwarts but apparently, the boy could bring his rat to school.
I searched after an empty wagon. I did not want to be alone on my first day but I did not want to go to a full wagon neither. I was walking in the hallway of the train when I saw a girl sitting in an empty wagon. I took all the courage which was left in my body after disappearing in the wall between platform 9 and 10 and said:

"hmm hello, I am Blue. I am new to Hogwarts, may I sit there?"

I pointed at the empty seat in front of the girl. She was now looking at me smiling. She had Asian features and  beautiful black silky, hair. She was probably older than me.

"Of course", she answered smiling. I walked through the door and sat in front of her.

"I am Cho Chang, between".

"Nice to meet you", I replied.

"You said you were new, in which Wizarding school did you go to? I did not know you can switch schools".

I panicked and I could feel becoming red in the face. I did not want to lie but I promised my mom I would not tell anyone the truth. 'the less they know the better!' she said to me as I received the Hogwarts letter.

"It is quite a long story".

Cho Chang might have understood I was nervous so she did not ask me anything personal anymore.
She picked out of her bag some sweets and showed me her hand.

"Do you know these? Do you want some?".

I smiled at her at took a packaging. It said "frog chocolate" on it. I opened the package and saw a chocolate frog jumping out of it. I was surprised and amazed at the same time.

"You got Dumbledore!" said Cho Chang.

At the bottom of the package there was a piece of paper. I took it out and had a look at the picture.
This was Dumbledore?
The headmaster of Hogwarts?

"Not to be rude, but how old is Dumbledore really?", I asked Cho.

"I don't know it for sure but he has been professor at Hogwarts for a couple of hundreds of years now".

The frog escaped ou of the cabin as 2 other girls came in.

"Hello" I said covering my mouth with my hand after taking some sweets from Cho's hand.

The journey was quite long but it was not boring at all. I played some wizard games with Cho and the others. Of course I lost. The girls were all in Ravenclaw. Even though they were older I still hoped to be sorted in Ravenclaw just to be in the same house as these girls.

"Oh! The sweet lady!" one girl said after hearing a woman in the hallway.

They all stood up and told me to follow them. There were lots of student in the hallway. There was a plump lady standing in the hallway in front of a wagon asking if anybody wanted to buy some sweets.
Then I recognized someone. A boy with messy black hair and a lightning scar on his forehead. Harry Potter, the boy my parents warned me. Luckily, he was not paying attention to me. He was looking- no, he was literelly staring at Cho who was buying some sweets from the lady.

We went back to our wagon.
I never thought I would meet the famous Harry Potter so easily on the train. I thought he would be on a privet and business area of the train signing photos for younger students. But he was not and even though my mom made me promise to not have anything to do with him or his friends and to stay out of his way because he was 'dangerous' and meant troubles, due to what happened between him and Voldemort, he was eating in the wagon next to mine. What an ironic coincidence.

A few hours after the departing, the engine stopped. The air was getting colder and the window seemed to getting freezed.

"What is happening?"

said one of the girls with clapping teeth. Then the lights went out. I heard screams and loud noises.
What happened?

Right person Not Enough Time Draco Malfoy X y/n Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя