Christmas Time And Letters

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Finally, Christmas came. Some students stood at Hogwarts others, like me went home again.

"Write me over the holidays".

Draco hugged me and kissed me on the forehead.

"I will".

It felt strange coming home again. I immediately recognized home scent. My parents hugged me and treated me like a queen for the holidays. They used to ask me questions about how I was doing in school as if I did not tell them everything via letters. Almost everything. I did not tell them about being friends with the famous Harry Potter and about being in a relationship with Draco Malfoy, a Slytherin. They would immediately take me back home and run away somewhere nobody can find us.

We celebrated Christmas and I met my old school friends again. I told them I would went to Italy to school, of course I can not tell muggles my real origins.
Sparkle brought all my friends' Christmas letters and my parents were proud of me having friends at Hogwarts and for being so well integrated. They feared I will be mistreated.

The peacefull time ended as Sparkle brought home a letter from Draco. I was still sleeping in my room when Sparkle came inside and gave the letter to my father. He did not open it, he would never do it and he accept my privacy. But he recognised the envelope and the wax symbol. The envelope was darkgreen and the wax showed a serpent twinkling around a big M.
I woke up because I heard my parents talking. I walked downstairs and greeted them happily, but they did not look happy at all. They looked at me with such a disappointment in their eyes. I never saw them like this.

"What ?" I asked.

Then I saw the envelope, still closed.

"Morning. What is this?"

My dad held the envelope above my head I took it and opened it. It was from Draco.

"Dear Blue,

I wish you a happy Christmas with your family. I miss you.

Your Draco"

I tried to hold my smile back and lied:

" it is from a friend".

I put the letter back, stood up and ignored my parents eyes.

"Is your friends last name Malfoy"?

I flinched as I heard the name.
How did they know?

"How do you know?"

My mom looked at my dad as if he was about to tell me things I should not be knowing.
My dad looked away.

"Sit down" said my mom.

I sat down and looked at them anxiously.
My parents exchanged looks and they nodded. I began to worry now.

"I worked with Lucius Malfoy" said my dad.

"How do you know Draco's father-"

I held my hands on my mouth.
Now I spoke to much but my dad seemed to not care.

"We worked together in the ministry of magic, we were quite good friends".

I could not imagine him being friends with Draco's dad. He was a death eater why would he be friends with my dad?

My mom placed her hand on my dad's shoulder. What was going on?

"We both got the Dark Mark".

I was shocked.
My dad? The Dark Mark?
He slowly rolled his sleeves above his elbow so i could see it. He really had the Dark Mark on his arms. It showed a snake.

"I never wanted it. Really. I was never a friend of Voldemort, you must believe me. But Lucius was. All Malfoy's are".

"Draco is not Voldemort's friend", I interrupted him.

I felt like crying. My dad was a death eater.. . Is this the reason why we escaped from the magical world?

"Are you sure? Don't you think his dad would come to the dark side if Voldemort comes back? Don't you think he would drag his son into being a deatheater?"

"Voldemort disappeared! Because of Harry! Besides, you are also a deatheater and you did not drag me into being one!"

My voice was trembling now, my father looked furious.

My mom interrupted us:

"Blue, your father and I wanted to protect you. If Lord Voldemort comes back, we will need to leave. He would chase us, kill us!"

"He won't come back!"

I was crying now. This all could not be true.
My father continued:

" he will come back. Sooner or later. Nobody knows what happened between James Potter's son and him".

I needed to tell the truth now, once we are already on it.

"I am a friend of Harry Potter".

My parents were shocked. I broke their trust. I broke the promises I gave them. They would never let me go to Hogwarts again.

"We are deeply disappointed in you".

"I know".

I could not dare looking them in the eyes.

"Hogwarts... is the safest place in the wizarding always said this to me".

I broke down.

I had several fights with my parents till the holidays ended. I told them that if they wanted to run away again, I would run away.

After holidays ended i went back to Hogwarts. My parents let me go because they thought Dumbledore would keep an eye on me. They prohibited me to be around Harry and Draco but only until Sirius Black was captured. They feared that Black could bring Voldemort back.

Classes started as usual. On weekends we could still go to Hogsmeade. Draco and I planned a date. We would wait until the students were in Hogsmeade and then we would spent the day in the castle.
We also had a plan to be alone.
I waited for Harry in the Great Hall.

"Please, Harry!"

"Why do you need it?" Ron asked.

I glared at him and looked at Harry.
He sighed and gave up.



We agreed on him gaving me his invisibility coat. Harry got scolded on his last trip to Hogsmeade. He got caught hiding under the invisibility coat and now, he would not go again.

"But I want to know why you need it. I thought you could go to Hogsmeade?"

Harry asked me.
I thought for an excuse.

"Uhm well... I am going going meet somebody and I don't want others to see me".

I managed to get away from Ron and Harry who kept asking me who he was. For a moment I thought they would follow me to find out with whom I wanted to be.

After the students left for Hogsmeade, I went to the dungeons under the invisibility coat. Draco told me to wait in front of the common room and he would come and get me.
I saw him coming out of the common room, he looked around searching after me so I decided to scare him as a  joke. I rushed behind him and blew air around his ear. He jumped to the other side looking for what happened behind him.
I laughed and he heard me


I showed him my floating head.


Right person Not Enough Time Draco Malfoy X y/n Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora