Dry leaf (power of vulnerability + collab poem)

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This poem was written by little girl and her cousin brother who is only 7 months younger than her and is just like her twin brother. Her brother appreciated and loved her poems a lot. And as she is his idol he started trying to follow her steps. He started poetry too but he wasn't very successful in it and it made him upset on himself. Little girl made him understand that different people have different qualities. She is talented in Writing and Music doesn't means he need to be talented in same thing. His talent in art and craft and he is very good in that too. He paints really realistically. The painting is so realistic that people may misunderstand it with model. He is really good in pottery and making candles of different shapes. He can easily get into an art college with his artistic work. Little girl wasn't good in it doesn't means she was hopeless. Finally her brother understood it but still he wished to write a poem with her which shares the emotions which both of them have in common. Vulnerability. Her brother gave her inspiration for poem and she turned it into a beautiful poem. This poem shows that Vulnerability is a power itself too. Such people shouldn't be thought weak. Vulnerable people may seem very cheerful and free outside but they are totally different inside. Little girl was excited for this too as it was her first ever collab poem. This poem tells to respect such people because they have so much courage and mind limits that most don't even realize.

Dry leaf

This light dry leaf,
We think they are totally free,
Who knows they have fears,
Of leaving their mother tree.

They have fears of being crushed,
All their confidence is flushed,
We think they are having their freedom,
But don't know they are trapped in our kingdom.

Weak, stiff and thin,
Although not shiny like tin,
But they have a personality which means courage,
More than the ads of different beverage.

Learn to respect small things,
Internally they are very beautiful,
Than any shiny ring.

Warning ⚠ : I don't intend to criticize the ads of beverages. I included it as the ads of beverage are usually strong themed and it rhymes well with the word 'courage' too.

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