Chapter 2

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You've been having a very bad day at school, so you text him. You said you where going to be in the cafeteria during breaks ( tho u never go bc u stay in the bathroom crying). He texted you, "where were you?! I went to the caf and you weren't there:(" and you think to yourself, " damm he actually went " after you explain, everything is fixed, you guys are meeting after school in the cafeteria to fix the problem. Little did you know that he was going to be in the spot where you and your friend watch the Olympics. Next thing you know you are both hugging each other as if there was no tomorrow, he has made your day. Ah! What a dream.

Break is over, you better get to class or you will be late.

Classes pass by, you two texting every minute, always paying attention to each other... hugging in the halls... i'm sure people envy you. He wants to hang out Saturday, another date, damm y/n your on

Friday, just the day before you guys hang out. He texted you if u wanted to be his emotional support in the gym, and of course you said yes. In the gym you both are smiling, he's working out, you're just looking since you have gym after. He says he want motivation, as he says that he comes in closer and leans in... just as he pulls both masks down, his friends enters the gym, it doesn't brother him, he kissed you. You smiled at him and glanced at his friends while you think "wow, he actually kissed me in-front of his friends," after, when it's time to leave you guys kiss again, Ah! What a dream.

Saturday has arrived, you're getting ready for this date. Pick out a cute outfit, black leather shorts, with flower tights on and a beige long sleeve, ugh boots, straightening you hair so your curls aren't showing, you are ready to go. You are late. He doesn't care, you'll stay longer. You guys go for another walk, same path same views but different conversation. When you arrive to his house the movie starts playing, tho it only lasted thirty minutes, then you guys kissed and then, just cuddled and started falling asleep in each other's arms. He hugged you tight and kissed ur forehead. After a while he gets up to pay some video games while you chill in the ground admiring him. He looks so pretty. He notices you falling asleep on the floor, so he sits next to you and hugs you, and then pick you up like a baby and sit on the bed, you just cuddle for hours. He says you look beautiful and that your eyes are the most beautiful thing he has ever seen, as you blush he puts your hair behind your ear and makes eye contact with you while giving you his stunning smile. At that moment you realized you were in love, it's going to be hard when he leaves. You kiss goodbye and ran to the car, your mom has been waiting for thirty minutes.

Ah! What a dream.

You can't stop thinking about him. You guys have another date on Friday. You are so exited you already planned all the outfits you could possibly wear. You can't wait, you're going in love with him.

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