Chapter 4- Secrets

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No one else comes to say goodbye.

I wasn’t expecting it anyway, because my other best friend was in the same spot I am. About 5 minutes after Alice was dragged out of the room crying, a peacekeeper comes to collect me.

I walk out to a car behind the justice building, there Ethan is sitting with his head in his hands. I open the car door as he looks up.

He gives me a slight smile that I return but neither of us feel like talking.

The drive is short and we come out at the train station. Camera surround us and people screaming district 4.The peacekeeper clear a path of us and we finally make it to the trian.

The train is beautiful, glass chandeliers , soft blue carpet, and comfy red couches.

We are directed into the dining car,  Daisy, Finnick and Mags are sitting around an oak table talking in hushed voices. Finnick notices my and stops talking, Mags looks in our direction and says,

“ Good you’re here now we can get down to business!”

“ Business?” Ethan asks

“ We need to figure out how we are going to present you for the capitol and for sponsors!” Daisy says

Ethan and I sit down at the table, I see out of the corner of my eye that Finnick won’t take his eyes off me.

I may not live in the capitol but the stories about the famous Finnick Odair have reached me.

He is extremely good looking with his golden hair and bright green eyes, it’s not very surprising that the capitol women throw themselves at him.

From what I hear during his yearly two week visit to the capitol he usually has multiple lovers, but after that he leaves them after just a few days, and never comes back.

I don’t deny that I think Finnick is attractive, but how could I fall for someone that’s so easy to lose?

“ So what are your talents?” Finnick asks

If forced to look at him, I stare into his sea green eyes and my heart begins to race.


What’s the point I’m only going to know him for two weeks like all other women.

The difference about me is I will probably be dead in three.

“ I can swim and I’m okay with a spear.” I says timidly

“ Are you kidding Annie you’re amazing with a spear! I once saw her hit a tree from 45 feet!” Ethan cuts in

“How would you know?” Finnick asks

“ Because he’s my best friend.” I state mater of factly

Finnick and Mags look at each other exchanging somewhat excited looks

“ We just found our angle!” Mags says

“ What?” I ask

“ Our angle is the best friends so tragically chosen and the loss of hope because only one will make it out.”Finnick says with a smile

“ Okay.” Ethan and I say

It is a good angle because well we don’t have to pretend about anything.

I can be myself and there is less pressure on Ethan and I to put up an act. The truth still is that only one of us can make it out alive, and that scares me.

Daisy and Mags with Ethan to help him with speaking skill because during school presentations he was not very good at talking in front of an audience.

One time when we were 11 he had a panic attack on stage during our play and ran off  the stage and all the way to the beach to calm down. It took Alice and I nearly an hour to calm him down.

Finnick and I are left alone in the dining car. I look awkwardly at my feet and then get up to get food from the buffet laided out for us.

“ So you think this angle will help get us sponsors?” I ask picking up a plate

“ Oh ya, women in the capitol love a good scandal, they love secrets and the more you have the more they love you.”

He gets up and stand behind me whispering into my ear,

“ So Annie Cresta do you have any secrets?”

My pulse quickens as his hot breath glides down my neck.I know what his is trying to to, he is trying to see I am like all the other girls who fall at his feet for him, well I am not.

I turn around facing him, out lips are nearly touching. I reply by whispering into his ear,

“ My secret, Finnick Odair, is that I’m not like the other girls.”

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