Chapter 2

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Ephrathah stood there with her arms crossed as she watched her mother narrow her eyes "Ephrathah...what did we just talk about? I am through discussing this. Why on earth would you want to keep talking about him? He's a heartless fool who should've never abandoned us!"Ephrathah snarled as she uncovered her her arms and threw the mails at her "That's BULLCRAP and you know it!"

"What is this..?!" Her mother said staring at them as they gracefully fall to the ground. She walked right up to her and held one up "These were all the letters sent from HIM that you kept from ME! Explaining how it was all your fault that you guys got separated, how you tried to frame him to take custody of me, and that you lied about him to manipulate me into hating him!"

Molunath gasped but quickly tried to compose herself as she gave her a disbelieving look "Darling, everything he said is a lie! He's only doing this out of revenge because I had to take you away from him. He's clearly delusional and most certainly dangerous to be around! To be fair, you never met him before and the only information you have of him is through these letters.."

"While me, your mother, who raised you since you were a baby you've known your entire life! Now tell me dear, do you really think everything he says in those letters is true..?" Ephrathah's eyes turned normal as she stared at the ground "You..may have a point." She stared back up at her again "But...I still need to see him! Even if it's only once....I need to know."

Molunath's expression turned bitter "Ephrathah, I'm only telling you this once; DO NOT GO SEE HIM." She eyed her suspiciously "Why can't I..? If he's as terrible as you say then my trip will be short and you'd be right. saying I can't go see him implies that you're indeed hiding something and HE'D be right! So, tell me, which is it....mother?"

Molunath seemed to struggle with her words as she quickly said "H-how dare you think your own mother would LIE! Ephrathah, so help me if you do WILL REGRET IT. You'll find nothing there but shame and humiliation! He was a wrestler, dear, wrestling is very DANGEROUS and stupidly RECKLESS. He'd hurt you!"

She scoffed at her "I'll take my chances..." as soon as she left Molunath gave a heavily sigh as she grabbed her tiny phone and dialed a number. Holding it up to her ear she gazed where her daughter left making an angered expression "Hello, may I speak with....oh, I see....well, what if I were to tell you what I'm offering will pay....quite handsomely??" A tiny wicked smile slowly formed on her face.

Ephrathah headed back to her room where Valen sat reading a....very promiscuous magazine showing both men and women. You decide to ignore it as you start packing a very large bag grabbing as many things as you needed. Valen suddenly stood up from his seat "What're you doing? Are we going somewhere?" She nodded "Yup! We're going to find my dad."

He dramatically pulled his hair "What about your tours?! Your concerts! I even got us two vip tickets for us to go see my favorite celeb, Lady Gaga with EXCLUSIVE BACKSTAGE PASSES ALONG WITH A COOL AFTERPARTY!!!" his eye twitched looking a bit like a crazy person as I tried calming him down. "Look Valen, we're just just gonna have to put those aside for now...until things are settled at least. Ok?"

"Ok! Let's do it then!" He said giving off a dumb smile as if he didn't have a mental breakdown just a few seconds ago.

Wow, bit bipolar much..?

We gathered our belongings and headed out as Valen rode on my shoulder. He asked me "So, where exactly IS your father?" I hummed in thought "Well, last I read he lived in Mexico. So, maybe he's still there?" Once we exited the giant doors we were greeted with a large crowd of people who stood on sidewalks as large floats rode down the streets of Las Vegas.

Love & Wrestling (Rayburn Jr x Fem Monster: ON HOLD)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin