Ain't nobody need you like I do

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The hours passed by very fast since Din left, I was worried about him, how can I know if he's alright if he can't tell me because something has happened to him? I need to act I thought
So I got ready to go to see if everything was fine with him

-Where do you think you're going? You can't leave me here alone with those little guys

-You'll move on

-I could escape

-You won't

-I know -i said turning back to look at her-

-What if I do? What is going to think Din? Who left you in charge on looking after they? You shouldn't trust a person like me

-Oh shouldn't I? Then I'm making a mistake because I'm going to go to see if everyone is fine out there

I didn't know what more say to her, she dressed a black suit, a fearless suit, I liked it, I was hoping that someday I could dress like that, decide my destiny, my future, take my own decisions without someone at my back telling me what to do, yes, Din saved me when I was almost dead, and I will never be able to thank him, but he doesn't want to face that, I mean, I know he loves me like the daughter he never had, and I am his family as he is mine, but man, someday he must let me go, let that my path be free, let me decide my next steps, and I know that is going to hurt him quite a lot, but that is what I want, I want to show him that I'm worth for myself, I want to prove that I'm enough, and even though he still saying that he knows that I'm strong he never gives me a chance to prove it, and that is all I need, a vote of trust, of confidence, I want him to know who I am, who I really am, who am I going to be, not the best pilot neither the best mandalorian, just me, myself, I, that is all I want.

That moment gave me some seconds to rethink it and I decided to stay in the ship

-Alright I'm going to stay here, not because of you, I know you won't do anything Bren, I'm staying here for the kids, what if someone attacks?

-whatever you say sweetie

For a moment that sentence reminded me of one time that a tall pretty boy, a very very pretty boy, older than me I think, well, he said that to me, usually I get a lot of deja vus, but well, we were on a little planet, what was its name? Mmm I can't remember, it was full of several kinds of creatures, but he was human, just like me, deeply white hair, eyes intensely green, but I remember that if I get closer to him, I could see like a dark brown ring around his pupil. That amazed me, he was the most gorgeous person that I had ever seen, sometimes I dream about his powerful eyes and that deeply green-brown inside of them, about his voice, -Roy- yeah, that was his name, how can I be capable of remember the name of that guy instead the name of the planet, if I'm not wrong I was like nine years old, and yeah, now I know, he was definitely older than me, much older, maybe like seven years? But as Boba has always said, love is not about ages, it's about connection, I will always remember that wise sentence, still, he wasn't my type -I though for myself-

-Hello? What are you staring at?

- Wh-What, what happens?

-Nothing, what happens to you?

There was a silence while we looked each other annoyed

-so, tell me about yourself, is there any boy who wants to steal your heart?

-girl, I'm eleven -said I annoyed before that question-

-you look older and very clever, still, at your age I had quite a long list of men that were behind me, never dated one, I must say, but they were all so cute, tho

-good for you.

-yeah, yeah, so, who is the boy?

I looked at her tired of that she stills the same conversation

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2022 ⏰

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