Chapter 55

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Sakura: Shino? I hope you are feeling better.

Shino: Well I mean, I love him but I don't know if he loves me back.

Sakura: Well um I have to tell you something.

Shino: What is it? Your dad bought another hotel?

Sakura: No, well I guess...

Shino grabs Sakura's cheek.

Shino: Spill it.

Sakura: Ok Ok Ok let me go.

Shino lets go of Sakura.

Sakura: Me and Haru are going to live in America. We are transferring into a school here.

Shino: Wait what?

Sakura: Not now of course I mean like a week after week get back to Japan, which is today.

Shino: Why tell me this now!

Sakura: I am sorry but that means you and Kazuto, well I can't really help you.

Shino: Don't worry about that! I mean like your are leaving the country. The continent!

Sakura: Yeah but honestly just break up with Kazuto. Tell you what if you break up with Kazuto then I will keep in contact with you. If not then sorry.

Shino: You can't just use our friendship against me!

Sakura: You've got a week. The decision is yours Shino.

Shino: Fine I will do it today.

*One the plane.*

Shino: Okay this is my chance. 

Sakura: Go and do it girl.

Shino: Thanks.

*Shino walks over to Kazuto.*

Shino: Kazuto, I need to talk to you.

Sakura: Oh this is gonna be great.

Haru: What do you mean?

Sakura: Oh nothing.

Shino: About that fight. I just want to say. We should-

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