Love is so Complex (Pt.5)

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Fiat can't focus on his thesis.He is thinking about Leo,that 6ft tall man,sharp nose,tanned body,small teeth,long lashes,small smiley eyes,sharp can be someone so handsome?
"Wait,wait.What i am thinking?stop it Fiat.stop it.he is not for you.Why would someone like you!why would someone fall for you?no one gonna like a nerd,an unsocial boy.stop thinking about him.focus on your thesis." Fiat uselessly convincing himself.
Fiat can't continue his thesis that night.Leo was roaming around in his mind.Even for a minute he can't sleep.
Next morning at class Beam and Mile shocked to see Fiat puffy eyes and messy hair.
Mile:Dude didn't you sleep well last night?
Fiat:How can i? He was roaming around in my mind all night.
Beam:That CSE boy?
Fiat:How did you know?
Beam:It's clear on your face.
Fiat:I know what are you guys thinking.There is nothing between us.
Mile:We didn't say seems like you want something but your heart wants something else.
Fiat:Stop your cringe jokes.It's not funny though.
Mile:Why it would be jokes?When i am talking some serious topic.
Fiat:Both of you stop here.Don't go further.
But Didn't intend to stop.It's rare to tease Fiat.So,they continued their conversation.
Mile:So,you want us to stop?
Beam:Then tell us what happened?
Fiat:Didn't i say nothing?
Mile:And you want us believe your stupid excuse?
Beam: Bro if you want to lie to us then do it properly.
Fiat:Is that so obvious?
Mile:It's fucking written in your face.
Fiat:Damn!!why it's happening?
Beam:Tell us what's going on?so that we can fucking understand.
Fiat:Why are you cursing?
Beam:Is that new for you to hear our cursing words?
Fiat:Leave it.
Mile:So tell us.
Fiat:So the thing is i met a boy 1 week ago.His name is Leo.Department CSE.Recently he is following me like a abandoned dog.It's more like his my lost puppy and i am his damn stupid owner.
Beam:Aren't you?
Beam:A damn stupid,idiot,dumb,silly
Fiat:What did you say!!
Fiat: Do you have death wish? tell us the truth.
Fiat:Actually the thing is...there is a boy named is Leo i don't know how to say but whenever he is around with me i feel safe,i want to be with him,my mind goes blank when he beside me.i don't know why i feel that,what feelings is that!why my heary felt ache whenever i see him! His eyes are seductive.I can't refuse them,I lost myself,an inner feelings tell me touch him,fell his warmth,hold him,know him.Maybe i am losing my mind.I want to stop myself but my heart refuse it.What should i do?
Mile:Bro,You are clearly in love.Show us that man who shaken your heart.
Fiat:Don't joke.
Beam:We are not joking.Fiat,we know you are reserve person,an introvert person.Talk less but the way you convey your feelings, it is crystal clear you are inlove.
Fiat:What should i do?
Beam:Go and spend your time with him,be sure about your feelings,try to know him and confess your feelings.
Fiat:You know it clearly i can't do that.
Mile:We know but you have to come out from your zone if you want him for entire life.
Fiat:Let me think properly.
Mile:Do it before someone else snatch your man.
Fiat:If you can't say a good word then stop here or i will punch your face.
Mile:Dude.You are so cruel.We are trying to help you.
Fiat:Is that a way to help your friend while badmouthing infront of him.
Mile:It's not lie though.
Fiat:Stop here.
They giggling and throwing themselves to each other while teasing Fiat.

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