This is going to ruin me

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{Word count: 1120}


Tony's POV

I was in Queens for a rather important manner that needed to be taken care of as soon as possible. I was hoping things could go smoothly so I could go home and make it up to Pepper... Things between us have been shitty, to say the least, she kept getting mad at me for the smallest mistakes, telling me that I was too stubborn and difficult to love...

"I'm going to drop you off here so it doesn't look suspicious, boss"Happy spoke, crashing my train of thoughts. He stopped the black Audi a few blocks away from the docks.

  "Like a black Audi with tinted windows dropping off a man in a black Armani suit and three bodyguards isn't suspicious at all" I smirked and cocked my eyebrow.

"So you'd rather walk all the way down to the docks in a casual outfit and no bodyguards for this important "meeting"?" Happy scoffed playfully.

"Touché" I laughed and hopped out of the car swiftly, soon followed by the three huge bodyguards.

As soon as I closed the door Happy drove away to hide the car.

"So..." I turned on my heel to face the three men as Happy drove further away "You boys know how this is done?" I fixed my tie and put on my sunglasses. My question went unanswered.

 "What? You're not allowed to speak?" I cocked an eyebrow at them and they didn't even move a muscle "We are not, sir" one of the bodyguards spoke. I hummed in response and began walking down the docks.

As soon as we reached our destination I noticed a man in a black trench coat, "Such a cliche outfit" I thought as I walked up to him.

"So.." I took my sunglasses off and looked the man up and down before making intense eye contact... Well not really, the man had sunglasses on, but I could tell he was already intimidated.

"Do you have the vibranium?" I shot straight to the point, clearly hinting at the man that I wanted to be everywhere else, but here. He raised quickly raised the metal suitcase he had been holding the whole time and opened it slightly, showing me the precious metal inside, but quickly closed it under my nose.

"What about your part of the deal-" "Never gonna give you up~" the man was cut off by an absurd song that only gen z used to... what did they call it? Rickroll people.

I quickly looked in the direction that song came from, noticing someone dressed in red and blue quickly hide behind one of the many ventilation fans on the nearby building rooftop Amateur.. wearing red, the easiest color to spot. I thought as my head snapped back at the other man who was now clearly very nervous... 

"You set me up!" I quickly put two and two together and signaled my bodyguards to take care of the man. They raised their guns and pointed them at the man who opened his mouth, I assume to beg for mercy, but was quickly shot in the head. He dropped the metal suitcase on the ground. It cracked it open exposing the expensive metal. I closed the suitcase and picked it up.

"So much for being professional." I sighed as I brushed the small splatter of blood on my suit off and signaled two of the bodyguards to check the whole building up and down, hoping the person would still be there so we wouldn't have to go through the whole trouble of finding them  and interrogating them.

I was surprised to be told that there wasn't any trace of that person except a half-eaten sandwich that my bodyguards picked up from the rooftop. Gross. But it was all we needed to find them, right? I was going to bring this to Banner tomorrow. He would figure it out.


I was nervously pacing back and forth in my penthouse's workshop, quite literally biting my nails. Despite the fact we had the person's DNA, all it took was one post on the social media for me to be "exposed". While Pepper could easily find that person and interrogate, or even kill them, dealing with public opinion was a whole another level of pain in the ass, especially in such times when the press loved exaggerating things.

I finally settled down and played some AC/DC to calm my nerves. I began tinkering with my iron man helmet, there have been some malfunctions I've been trying to fix for forever now, hence why I hadn't brought the suit with me. Well that, and also it would attract a lot of unwanted attention...

"Tony!" Pepper shouted as she came out of the glass elevator holding a tablet in her hands

I didn't hear her through the music and continued trying to fix the mask.

Pepper stopped the music.

"Ah, Pepper, I didn't hear you. Any news?" I turned around to face her and left whatever I was tinkering with aside

"Yes. But also no" she left the tablet on the table and I cocked an eyebrow at her

"Banner is working on finding DNA, but he's having trouble because the sandwich was left on the ground for too long. It could take him from a couple of hours to a few days to get back with proper DNA" Pepper set the tablet down and crossed her arms and frowned.

I looked at her, confused at the sudden change of mood- "And you." she said harshly and I gulped. 

"You were sloppy and careless!" She pointed at me "You had one job that day. It was not to mess up a simple exchange, and now we've lost yet another important business partner because you decided to kill their best man!" Her finger was now pressed on my chest in an accusing way.

"If I recall correctly, YOU were the one who told me to shoot him at the sight of anything suspicious" I frowned and crossed my arms, looking down at her while maintaining eye contact.

Pepper scoffed and rolled her eyes "You don't get to be mad, Anthony."

I flinched at the use of my full name, nobody really called me that. In fact, it was so rarely used that the general public thought my name was just Tony.

Finally, Pepper broke eye contact and sighed "You're lucky that footage isn't already all over the news, Tony" she turned on her heel and left me alone with my thoughts.

"This is going to ruin me" I sat back down and tried to take my mind off of the situation

What do you guys think? ^^

I wanted to do Tony's POV of the first chapter! I think it turned out alright!

If you have any suggestions let me know, I love reading comments and the more feedback the sooner I post new parts!

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