Baby Shark

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{Word count: 2010}


By the time Peter reached Stark tower, it was exactly 7 AM

He swung for the last time landing vertically onto a big glass panel around the 10th floor. Those panels were quite slippery, but nothing Peter couldn't handle. He began slowly climbing, periodically turning around to see if anyone had noticed him. He was very happy that the suit worked so well so far.

When he reached the 30th floor he gently opened the vent and slid in. The vent itself was very small. Almost too small for Peter, but he was able to squeeze through.

He was slowly making his way through the vents, looking down at each opening to see if his sandwich was there.

God, Peter's mouth watered at the thought of food, he hadn't eaten since the incident and now he really started to realize how hungry he was.

He passed a lab that had a few interns inside, they were chatting happily about something Peter didn't care enough to listen to. What were they doing here so early? Well, it wasn't really that early, he guessed they were just allowed into the building earlier as a default. 

Oh how much Peter would have loved to have an internship at Stark tower just a day ago. Now he was just too scared, wondering what other dark secrets the sexy billionaire might hide. 

Wait what-


After passing six labs, two of which were full of interns, he had begun to lose hope. There was one last lab he hadn't checked. He peeked through the small openings and spotted Bruce Banner.

The Bruce Banner?!

If Peter wasn't on an important mission he would have fangirled. Right next to Banner was his sandwich. Not even touched? Why wouldn't they test it? It didn't matter. Now all he had to do was wait for him to get out.

After a few minutes, Banner left the lab and it was Peter's turn to play...

"IAS!" Peter whispered "The B.I.S.T. protocol, please?"

"Starting the "B.I.S.T." protocol" IAS paused for a few seconds before beeping and it was time to move. All cameras, all sensors, everything security-related was offline for about 10 minutes.

 Peter yanked open the vent lid and slowly let himself head down. He was just going to grab the sandwich and make a run for it, but he couldn't help it. He let himself stand up and he looked around the lab in awe. 

All of the equipment was luxurious. The walls were a clean off white color with just a few stains from what looked like some failed experiments. There was a big metal table where a big microscope sat, a lot of viles and various other science-y things. Banner had been looking at the microscope just seconds ago, and naturally, like the nerd, Peter is he couldn't resist the temptation and took a peek at what the genius had been looking at.

It was just a mere crumb of his sandwich, but it was enough to reveal the whole identity he had tried so hard to hide, if one was to look hard enough that is.

Peter took the glass slide with the crumbs on it. He put it in a small bag that was around his waist. He then looked around a little more, making sure there was nothing left of his sandwich. When he made sure there wasn't anything else, he grabbed the sandwich off the metal table.

Right, when he put the sandwich in his bag his Spidey senses kicked in. He heard footsteps approaching the lab. He looked around in panic, searching for a good hiding spot, which apparently was under the table... The vent was now completely forgotten... Stupid! SO STUPID

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2022 ⏰

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