Park Shenanigans

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Doppio had invited Bruno and her group to hang out for a day at the park. They arrived a little late but now that they had arrived it would be fun.
"Thank you for this, it's very sweet of you to invite us out." Bruno smiles at Doppio.
"Of course!" Doppio returned the smile and watched as Mista and Narancia ran in the direction of a nearby pond.
"Abba looks like she's about to fight someone, maybe you should check that out Bruno." Giorno put a hand on Bruno's shoulder.
"Oh god, okay. Gosh what am I gonna do with her." Bruno ran off after Abbachio, leaving Doppio to converse with Giorno. It got very quiet and they ended up just staring at each other for a while.
"Sooo... How are you?" Doppio broke the silence nervously.
"I'm alright. How about yourself?" Giorno looked relieved.
"I'm doing good! You're Giorno right?" Doppio smiled at her.
"Oh yes, but you can just call me Gio if you want." Giorno looked away for a moment and Doppio followed her eyes. Doppio noticed that Mista and Narancia were yelling at each other over- duck food?
"Are they like this often?" Doppio looked back at Giorno.
"Constantly." Giorno chuckled.
"At least it doesn't get quiet, my sis is super introverted. She barely even comes out of her room!" Doppio laughed.
"What's your sister's name? Maybe we could all meet her as well."
"Her name is Diavolo but I call her Dia, and well she's not really a people person so.." Doppio shrugged.
"Maybe we could change that, you never know." Giorno smiled at Doppio.
"Yeah that sounds good!" Doppio looked back at the two that were bickering.
"We should probably do something about those two first though- people are crowding around them." Doppio looked back at Giorno.
"Good idea." Giorno made her way to the two, Doppio followed her.
"Gio tell Mista that this food is mine!" Narancia looked up at Giorno as she approached.
"No! I bought it so it's mine!" Mista guarded a bag which Doppio assumed had the food in it.
"Could you two stop bickering for once? Just split it between you two." Giorno sighed.
"No way Nara stole the other bag and this one is mine!" Mista pushed Narancia away when she got close.
"Nara just let Mista have her bag okay? I'll go buy you one." Giorno pulled Narancia off Mista.
"Yeah get your own- wait no Gio don't spoil her!" Mista looked at Giorno.
"Dop what do you think?" Giorno turned to look at Doppio.
"Uh.. I think that since Nara has already had a bag, then it's only fair if Mista has one as well? Like- if one person gets one then the other gets one as well so it's fair." Doppio laughed nervously.
"That's what I'm tryna say!" Mista exclaimed.
"Fine fine. Mista you can have your food." Narancia rolled her eyes.
"Thanks for the help Dop." Giorno let out a sigh of relief.
"Yeah! It's no problem, I love helping out." Doppio rubbed the back of her head.

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