Chapter 1

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Sebastian's POV

As we walked into our new house, it was really nice, we all separated finding our rooms, as I was putting some of my things up I hear Justin yell


No place we have stayed in has had an attic so for some reason we were excited.

Darren - Nah, that shit is probably haunted.
Kane - Don't be a little bitch, come on
Ryan - Damnnnnnnnnn you gonna take that Darren

Both of them start to argue, looking over at Oliver to see him going up the stairs, all of us look around the attic in amazement, there was furniture, pictures and clothes that looked like they belong in an antique shop.

Justin - this is sick!

As we were looking around I hear Ryan

Ryan - Oh sick! Look!

We look to see that he found the board game Jumanji.

Regie - Oooo my childhood, I loved this movie
Oliver - Since when did they make an actual game?
Me - Bring it downstairs, we're going to play it

Ryan brought it downstairs and sat it on the table, when opening it, it looked EXACTLY like the movie.

Kane - This is so cool!

We all pick our character then put them on the board.

Regie - Who's going first?
Justin - I will

He rolled the dice, it landed on 6, he was about to move his piece but it moved itself. All of us look at each other then back at the board. We look over this little glass thing that looked like a magic 8 ball in the middle of the board.

Justin - At night they fly, you'd better run these winged things are not much fun..
Darren - W-wait is this game rea-

We looked towards the fireplace hearing some sort of chirping come from it.
Lots of bats came flying out of the fireplace
We run from the house in shock, when we ran outside we were welcomed by Ty

Ty - What's wrong

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