Chapter 3

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Ryan's POV

As we were running, Sebastian was carrying the bored


We take a turn going into a forest, we stopped out of breath.

Me - give me the dice, I will go

Seb gave me the dice, I rolled and it landed on 5
The piece moved 5 spots then I read the riddle

Me - "They grow much faster then bamboo, take care or they'll come after you"
Ty - Vines! It's talking about vines!

We felt the floor of the forest start to shake slightly, then vines came out of the ground grabbing my legs making me fall.

Regie - I got this!

He grabbed a big ass stick and slammed it down where the vines were making them go back underground.

Oliver - COME ON!

We run back to the house, all in town there were wild animals and people screaming everywhere.
When we opened the door to our house all the bats flew out. We quickly go into the house, Oliver rolled the dice then looked at us

Oliver - "A little bite will make you itch, make you sneeze, make you twitch"

All of us were confused looking at each other. That's until Justin got bit by a mosquito.

Regie - Oh fuck!

We look to see a whole lot of mosquitos flying towards us.
We go into a closet and blocked all the holes so that none of the bugs could come in

Me - Who's turn is it?

All of us look at Darren and Regie

Regie - Damn it

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