{1} when it all went down

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Bella George pov

The day everyone found out I had two moms, was 2 days after my 18th birthday. Really weird how fast people can change there interpretation on you. Half of these homophobic people were in my damn house for my birthday!

I've never been the loser nor have I been the center of attention but when I got to my locker first thing in the morning. It was like a rumor that I was lesbian got out because the words "dyke, butch,lesbian,and suck my pussy" were on my locker. Ew. That is gross.
I opened it took out my stuff as fast as I could and ran to Harry's locker.

If you didn't notice by the first 2 words they put on there , I am kind of a tomboy, I like some sports and I like to hang with guys but I don't think I give off the "I'm lesbian" vibe.

I feel people staring at me and I put my hood up and cover my head. I almost all ways wear sweatpants or joggers during school and a hoodie since this school is colder that it is outside in the damn winter.

I walk straight to his locker and right next to him "um harry we have a problem"I say still looking down to the floor with my head covered.

"Bell? Hey babe I saw your locker have you been keeping secrets from me?" He asked teasingly "no I haven't and I don't know what's happening" I said getting really emotional. I think I forgot to take my pills today... "Oh shoot harry I think I forgot to take my candy" I said in a panic voice

"Hey hey hey, don't worry remember you have some at the nurse if you forget and we will figure out what's going on with your locker"

We got out of the nurses and started walking to class, we were gonna be late since because we have our first class in the 3rd building of Hines Hill High School which is the farthest from this main building

When we were walking we saw Ric and his little gang. Ugh. They aren't in any sports but there is a rumor that they are in a gang but all I know is that they are pot heads or what ever druggies if that's the word, and they have a problem with homophobic people. "Well, well ,well. Didn't think the little girl would be gay too" Ric teased with his 2 little friends on his sides. "Go away Ric " harry said and walked right pass them

"good you know how to turn down your dreams Cuz you will never get this dick" Ric yelled at our backs " some times I think he is gay" I say in a small voice.

"There's my girl! You haven't said anything in the longest time" Harry said as we got to class knocked into the class

"Pass" our math teacher said as we walked in with a voice that she was having the time of her life. Sarcasm.

We gave them and I sat in the front when harry sat in the back with the popular group.

Threw out the day people would push me around, call me names and some lesbians even came up to me and told me to... You know do stuff with them. But then some nicer lesbians came and actually were nice, in one class they would help me deal with the problem and flip off any one who bothered us.

After that the most popular guy in school; apart from harry and also known as Harry's ex came up to me and shoved me in a open locker, and being the short and skinny stick I am, fit. At least they didn't close it but made me late for the next class. Before lunch I couldn't take it. I ran. I ran home straight to my room where mom #2 was yelling my name because I was red like a tomato and crying. Locking my door and sitting on my bed I yelled "leave me alone!"

Laying back and crying my eyes out on the bed I stayed there for who knows how long and mom #2 had enough. Plus being the "father" or "muscles"in the pair she opened the door. how the heck did she do that I though but I still have no clue.

"What's wrong honey" my mother asked. "Its just, they found out about me having two moms and its not that its embarrassing its just, j-just" it this point in sobbing again on my moms shoulders. "Its okay take your time" mom said

And I did, I calmed down and told hers how I got pushed around,called names, asked for sexual favors, maid some new friends-only bright side-and when i ran home. Soon mom had to go to her afternoon job and harry came in not so far after she left

We sat in bed for the day Harry hugging me protectively till mom#1 called us down when she came home and brought us take out

"Hi mom" I said and went and huged her. "Hello ms. George" harry greeted. We ate on the couch and ate while watching a classic movie, the breakfast club. I've seen this movie several times and have never gotten tired of it.

Mom took the plates into the kitchen and put some food away for mom #2 when she gets back in 2hours since its about 8:00 p.m. me and harry went back to my room and he did home work while I read, Harry Potter

Trish- my other friend, who isn't as close as harry and also does not like Harry for an un known reason- who also wasnt at school today wouldn't shut up about reading it until I did start and I'm about half way.

As harry finished he went to my dresser, which has half of his wardrobe in it because he says here all the time 24\7, 365 Days a year 24 hours a day blah blah blah. He says here all the time because he is more free since he hasn't came out to his parents and let me tell you, they will not take it well.

He took out his clothes to sleep and came back to my bed and snuggled up in my sheets and just like that looking at the white plane wall fell asleep.

And you might ask oh how do you know he is asleep? Well because he snors. A little, but he does and he was out like a light. I'm. Use to this, when he is tired he seriously just freaking leaves the world. With out a word I got my clothes got dressed for bed yelled good night down the stairs and got into bed on the other side of the bed looking at my window and fell asleep.

And that's how my first full bullied day went.

First day she got into the mess. :(

so cool... Not. Anyways!

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Bye loves

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