{2} Mr. cutie

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**Harry's bomb ass car attached to the side**

Now, two weeks after that I am now sitting in class with some girls that are lesbian but really nice. Most people say homosexuals are sex crazed and honestly I hate all the rumors that have bin biting there asses every day since they came out.

Ric won't leave us alone and even tried grabbing me from harry, and it didn't go down well.

As soon as Ric grabbed my arm it was gone, it happens so fast Im not even sure what happened. Harry grabbed Ric pushed him to a locker then to the ground and punched him like there was no tomorrow.

I feel like if i hadn't told Harry to stop Ric would have bin dead. Thank god it was after school when it happened and no one was around because right after I took him home in his Audi a4 that his parents got for his 16th birthday.

And let me.telll you... they didn't even attend. they told the neighbors to hold it and give it to him on the actual day because they were out on another movie producing set in Japan or somewhere in Asia.

Its Saturday today and harry wants me to go to a party with him, "hey Ashley, how are you?" I heard harry greet mom#1 as I finished my make up with light foundation, eye shadow, mascara, and lip gloss I went down stairs in my black jeans and a size to big sweatshirt and my white flats. I ran down to get harry before my mom and him got into a Deep conversation

"Bye mom imma leave now" I have her a nice sweet smile and kissed her cheek, walking out of the kitchen and pulling harry along

We got a taxi since we will both be drinking, and most people don't believe it but I do drink once every 5 months at most.

Its a collage party and cuter guys and older guys is the way to goooo. I'm already 18 so its not illegal, and the guy just might not freak out that high schoolers have crashed the party.

As we walk in we automatically have bottles, red solo cups, joints, pills, powder lines on the tables, me and harry walk to the kitchen to get new and sealed beer cans and walk to the living room, I won't do anything yet since I'm still sober, but later on oh god. I'm gonna be embarrassing.

As I sit harry gets some guy to dance with him and the guy looks like he is a horn dog. Grabbing his ass whenever he can.

"Jealous of your friend?" Some guy says with a chuckle. He sits next to me and waits for an answer

"Nope, just looking of how bold that guy is, he is acting like a man whore" I told the stranger, this stranger was, well looked, really tall he was wearing black jeans with a dark gray v-neck

His brown soft looking hair and scruff he was growwing went well with his out fit and he looked MmmmMmm delish! He was fine! Making me feel like the horn dog with harry.

"We when you're finished with checking me out, I was gonna say chase is always like that, but he is nice." He told me "well... Awkward." I narrate the tension.

"Its ok. Its cute"he laughs looking at me. "Wow not hositis like, since you don't have any more beer want me yo get you more?" He asked as he got up and got my can in his hand

"This is your party? No its ok. I'll go get it with you" I say and smile shyly

"Yep, and the rest of the frat too. Why can't I get the beer?" He asked

"Embarasing but I have a fear of people drugging my drink and stuff i don't know. Its weird. Don't worry about it"I say was we start walking to the kitchen

He walks behind me and puts his hands on my waist to guide me, him being almost 2 times my night has to lean down a little "its okay little one, you will get over it" he said in my ear and maid me shudder a little from the air on the back of my neck.

When we get to the kitchen I he gets two cans for us this being my 5th can in an hour and be being lightweight will not be good. I was leaning on the counter me and ,wait what's his name talking.

"I didn't even get your name" I said a little lost and slurred "I'm Rian but most people call me stone Cuz thats my last name." He told me. "What's yours?" He asked

"Bella but most people can me bella. I have no cool nickname"I say and lean back. He is staring at me. Weird....

"Do I have something on my face?" I asked suddenly embarrassed. "No. Its just really nice" he said "I can give you a nickname, and maybe my number" he told me.

I gave him my number and he put it in, "my nick name for you in babe" he told me as he texted him self. He got closer "you have really nice eyes" he told me. "You have a really nice face" I said in return and suddenly got really red.

Suddenly he pucked me up and put me on the counter as of I didn't weigh anything. "Can I kiss you?" He whispered "I guess" I said back and he liked his nice plump lips as he got closer he grabbed my hips and pulled me to the edge of the counter as he was in between my legs as he kissed me.

His lips moved soft but skillfully with mine trying to get access to my mouth by liking my bottom lips I tease him by not letting him. I'm not that easy. He bites my bottom lip pulls a little and let's go then I open my lip and stick it into his as he groans. I've never got this far with a guy, I'm guessing when a guy groans its like a moan but the masculan version?

I honestly don't know. I'm thinking too much during a kiss, as he picks me up and tries to walk out of the kitchen, I put my face in his neck so no one sees my face as we walk to who know where

We clime the stairs and he takes out a key and opened a door, I guess his room, or some place where he rapes his victims.... Ok maybe not. Hopefully.

He turns on a light and wakes to the bed "your a high schooler aren't you?" He asked with irritation in his voice ,wow am I that bad at kissing

"no you aren't but u just are really precautious" he told me "I said that out loud?" I ask "yes, its just.. How old are you? Please don't say 16. Oh god. I just technicaly just raped a girl. Oh god I'm going to jail, oh fuck jail I'm going to hell"

"I'm 18 don't worry" I say after his little rant "oh thank God" he said. He sits next to me on his band and swiftly grabs my hips and puts me on his lap so my legs are on either side of him then puts one of his hands onthe back of my head and roughly kisses my lips.

I kiss back with just the same rushness, after five minutes of kissing and tong battling I lean back and he automatically goes to my neck. I hug his neck to pull him closer.

I feel something on my leg, it's really hard and long.... Oh god please don't be that. Oh fudgeeee. I don't do it in the first date... Nor on the first conversation

I pull back a little more and he let's me. I put my forehead on his and try to get my breathing under control. "You're a really good kisser" he told me, "you're not to bad your self" I answered with a playful smile "we should go down before this gets out of hand" he said and lifted me off his lap onto the wooden floor,

As we went down I saw a frantic looking Harry shoving people trying to find something"Harry what's wrong?" I ask as I grab his shoulder. When he finally sees me his eyes Glenn with joy "oh my god! I thought I lost you! Where were you?" He asked "I was up stairs with, Ryan" I say "Harry this is Ryan, Ryan this is Harry " I introduce they do a dap whatever that "nice to me you" Ryan says and Harry just nods "we gotta go babe, it's almost 12:00" Harry told me and grabbed my hand to try and pull me away.

"Calm down, bye Ryan" I say back as we walk out the house.

As we were going home me and Harry maid small talk "ughh I can't believe the one time I want to get waisted I don't." I say as we walk up the steps to my house.

"There's always a next time" Harry said as we get to my door "see you tomorrow?" He asked

"Of course 'Sunday Sunday's' can't forget, I guess it's just the 3 of us since tabby bailed on me" I say with a sad smile

"it's ok, she will come threw, and if not fuck her! Bye babyyy" he kissed me and left.

Wait a minute... he kissed me and not just a friendly kiss on the cheek, it was on my freaking lips?!?!!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2016 ⏰

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