Chapter One

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"Guess what?"
Thomas rolled over in his bed, the annoying voice in his head had been bugging him for 10 full minutes.
"Guess what, Thomas?" He felt something pulling on his Pajama shirt.
Thomas slowly opened his eyes. He saw someone standing over top of him. It was his little cousin, Tyler.
Thomas punched his cousin playfully. "What do you want?"
Tyler jumped onto the bed next to Thomas. "Your mom said we could go to the Aquarium today!"
Thomas sat up in bed. He couldn't wait! He had been asking his mom to take him and Tyler to the Aquarium for ages! Now that Tyler was here visiting from New York, they could go to it!
Thomas high fived Tyler. "This is going to be awesome!" He cried.
Five hours later, they had reached the Aquarium.
"Aw man, that took sooo long!" Thomas complained.
Tyler rubbed his stomach. "I get motion sickness, thank god I didn't barf on you!"
Thomas pushed Tyler, who punched him back. "What a loser!" Thomas laughed.
"Alright boys, listen up. It took a while to get here and you have been wanting to go here for a very long time." Thomas' mom said. "You better be good!"
Tyler rolled his eyes. "Sure, Aunt Laura."
Thomas snorted. "Thanks Mom."
His mother smiled, and grabbed Thomas and Tyler's hands as they walked into the Aquarium, and paid for the tickets.
Thomas was in awe at all the cool sea creatures! There were sting rays, and sharks, and dolphins, and really cool fish!
"Dude! Look at that hammer head shark!" Said Tyler pointing to a hammer head, that caught a big fish in its mouth.
"Look at that Sting Ray! It's acting crazy!" Thomas pointed to a Sting Ray that was speeding unusually fast around the giant glass tank above them.
"That's strange." Said a lady. "Sting Rays are normally calm."
Thomas' mother looked back at the woman who smiled. "Sorry, my name is Rebecca. Im a marine specialist."
"Oh!" Said Thomas' mom. "I'm Laura! Did you say something about the Sting Ray?"
Rebecca looked back up at the crazy Sting Ray. "Yes," she said. "Sting Rays only go at this speed if there is about to be a natural disaster."
"Oh, that's weird." Said Laura. "Indeed, I don't think there could be a natural disaster any time soon, could there be?"
Rebecca shrugged. "Well the Weather Network said we could be having some sun flares, but it would be very small. Maybe just an extreme heat wave."
Thomas and Tyler both looked at the Sting Ray in fasination. "Mom, what's a sun flare?" Thomas asked.
But just as he did, the lights went out, and the room quickly got very hot.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2015 ⏰

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