The beginning of the end

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*birds chirping* It was a normal nice day for Kenji, he was walking to school like always. He had always been quite quiet and didn't talk to many people, only talked when he had to. But once he had made it to school, he was taped on the shoulder by someone while he was changing into his school shoes at the front in his locker. He had not ever talked to this person, but they told him that "if you go to the library at 4pm you will see many odd books, and you could die," he didn't pay much attention to what they had to say as it must have just been one of the new ghost rumours going around again to make people scared. But after all of Kenji's classes he grow much curiosity and wanted to go find out if the 4 o'clock library (what everyone called this rumor) was a true tell. 

He never cared for the ghost stories but this one caught his wonder because he loved to read a lot and always went to the library. He had never had anything happen the times he went to the library so he didn't think it would be a true tell. But the rumor had been spreading so much that no one even wanted to step a foot into the library around 3:50-5:00pm not even staff wanted to stay anymore! It was unknown to how this tell came a thing but it was quite popular to spread these ghost rumors around kakijishi high. 

But a while later Kenji pulled out his phone to see the time was 3:45pm and people were already beginning to leave the library in a hurry to get out before they had been a part of that rumor. As he pulled out his phone once again after everyone had left it was exactly 4pm when he stepped foot into the unpredictable knowledge of what had to come.....

The Unpredictable MysteryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant