The mysterious start

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As soon as Kenji stepped foot into the library at 4pm he began to feel a bit odd but everything looked normal, he thought to himself *it must have been all a fake rumor like the others.* But he didn't know if the others were really fake or not.

He started to walk around thinking he might find something if he looked around more. But nothing seemed to be happening.

Kenji eventually saw a odd book titled... It didn't even have a title! He began to flip through the pages of the book but suddenly he felt a strong pulling feeling as if he was being sucked into something! All his vision had gone blurry and he started to fade out of reality (passing out).

*A whole 4 hours had passed before Kenji began to wake up.* Once He woke up everything was blurry and he thought *what the hell just happened.* As soon as he could see better, (a few minutes after he woken) he started to look around to find out where he was.

All Kenji could see was beautiful flowers, trees, huge mushrooms, and he heard some pretty water sounds like there was a lake near by. He started to get up but when he spotted something walking. What was this weird looking creature it looked like a deer but it's Antlers were such pretty colorful flowers and it had flower speckles on it but it was a light pink color and when it walked it let off flowers.

Kenji started to freak out and wonder where the hell he had gone! He ran to try and find anything to get out of this place but he had no luck! The only thing he could see was the beautiful cotten candy sky's of the reality he had no idea about.

After a long search Kenji grew very tired and found a nice spot to hide out. He began to fall asleep in a cave he found. The cave was full of very shiny crystal of many colors and they shined very bright within the sunlight but sparkle lightly in the moon light.

After the night had passed it was around 8am when Kenji start to awaken from his sleep. He woke up to the sound of voices and once he noticed the muffled voices he jumped up as soon as he got a hold of himself!

He was shocked to know that more people must be in this place to. He wanted to see if they could help him so he began to walk out the humble cave that kept him safe through the first night of his mysterious outcome....

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