Bright As The Sun (Niam)

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I received a prompt for this from the lovely @ZaynieUnderYou - I hope you think I did it justice!

An AU where Liam is a surfing instructor and Niall is his new student, who needs a little incentive before he's actually willing to learn anything. Liam is all too happy to oblige.


This was such bullshit. Don't get him wrong, Niall wanted to learn to how to surf, and he was happy that his dad had sprung for a week of private lessons, but did it really have to happen so fucking early in the morning? Niall had only gotten home from the pub a few hours before, and he was fairly certain that he was still buzzed, if not downright drunk.

The truth was that Niall was really only doing this to get his parents off his back. They were always going on and on about discipline, or more specifically, his lack of it. 

"You're not going to waste your last summer before uni lounging around doing nothing. Join a team, learn a skill, something. Anything, or I'll pick something for you, and you won't like it." Blah blah blah, same old, same old.

Niall had chosen surfing for obvious reasons. He'd seen plenty of movies, knew how laid back surfers were. He was actually looking forward to lying in the sun, floating on some waves and working on his tan on his dad's dime. Bonus points if he got to have a beer in his hand while he did it.

He ambled across the hot sand slowly, shielding his eyes from the sun with his hand as he looked at his instructor. Niall swore under his breath as he got close enough to get a good look, because fuck was this guy hot. He looked like Beckham's little brother, and he was definitely going to have to thank Greg for recommending this surf club.

The man was just walking back in from the ocean, a smile playing at his lips as he noticed Niall for the first time. As he came towards him Niall realized that he didn't look to be much older than his own eighteen years, maybe nineteen or twenty. Niall watched in fascination as his instructor reached back to unzip his wet-suit, letting the top half drop down over his lower body, revealing a strong, tan chest that Niall wanted to touch and firm abs that he wanted to kiss.

He shook his head to clear it as the lad came to a stop in front of him, because those were not the kind of details he needed to be focusing on while wearing only a pair of suddenly too tight swim trunks. But it was hard to concentrate on anything but the body in front of him, what with the bulging muscles and glistening wet skin.

"Niall, right?" he asked in a clipped British accent, extending a hand for Niall to shake. "I'm Liam." The sound of home, well a hell of a lot closer to home than anyone else he'd met in Austraiia anyways, made Niall feel a bit more comfortable around the boy.

"That's me, good to meet you, Liam. Been a while since I've met anyone from the U.K.," he told him, clasping hands with his new friend.

Liam's smile grew as he listened to Niall speak, a blush that Niall didn't understand but quite liked spreading across his cheeks. "An Irish student, wow. Wasn't expecting that. What brings you to Australia?"

Niall briefly considered lying; maybe making up a story that would make him sound like an exotic world traveler instead of a little kid following his parents around, but the face in front of him looked so open and honest, so unassuming, that he couldn't bring himself to do it. "My da's company transferred the family here a few years back. I hated it at first, but I think I'm finally seeing what all Australia has to offer," he admitted, once again unable to stop himself from looking Liam up and down.

Niall's unabashed staring only caused Liam's blush to grow, which Niall absolutely loved. Liam cleared his throat, obviously trying to retain some professionalism, but Niall had no such qualms. He was just there to have some fun, and fuck if Liam didn't look like a good time.

Sex & Sunshine (1D Smut & Fluff)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora