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So... This one shot will mostly be your recommendations! If you have story ideas you want me to write tell me here!

Okay... So I'm basically debating whether to let this have smut scenes or not so... Yeah... If you guys manage to convince me to make a smut scene. Trust me it'll be bad. But I highly doubt it will happen. Hopefully. Mkay, mkay, mkay...

And as always! They can change expressions like a human being but still a robot! Unless I make a part where they are human... The stories will not be confirmed what they are and what they will be since this is basically a book of your ideas and a few of mine.

Ps- I won't write down like 'Third person Pov' 'Y/n pov' etcetera etcetera- why? Idk I'm just lazy-

I hope you have a lovely day/night/after Noon! And ily! <3

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