Chapter 1 Can't Restist

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Harry's p.o.v

I want her, I need her, in other words I love Ginny Weasley. There I said it, I love her and I always will. She is the love of my life, my heart and soul. All I have wanted to do these last few months at the burrow is tell her, but I can't, I'm too scared she'll push away from me, disgusted.
We have all been staying at the Burrow for a few months now, since the war ended. Me, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Percy, Molly, Arthur, Teddy, Bill, a very heavily pregnant Fluer and a very sad and depressed George.
George spent most of his time hidden away in his bedroom, crying. His twin brother Fred had died during the war. George loosing Fred was like loosing half your brain. They did everything together, they even finished of each other's sentences.
I lay awake thinking about Ginny and how I was going to get her to be my girl. I can defeat the flipping Dark Lord, Lord Voldomort, the most evil wizard yet, but can't ask Ginny to be my girlfriend. I'm being so stupid, that's it I'll slip a piece of parchment under her bedroom door with the words on it

Dear Ginny,
Please meet me in my bedroom tomorrow at 10 am. Come alone.
Harry Xx

I crept out of my room and along the landing to Ginny's room. I slipped the piece of parchment under her door. I heard the familiar soft steps of her. She must be awake to. Maybe just maybe thinking about me. I know it's a silly thought, but I love her and love puts silly thoughts into your head.

Ginny's P.O.V

I don't know what to do. I love him with every inch of my heart. He is my everything. I am head over heels for Harry Potter. His scruffy dark hair makes my heart miss a beat. His piercing green eyes shimmer in the sun light and make my day turn for the better every time I gaze into them at the breakfast table. Hermione knows all of this. I can trust her not to tell or laugh we're like sisters we help each other through our hardest love life struggles. She gives me advice for Harry and I give advice for Ron in return who she is truly mad for.
I see something slide underneath my door I go and get it. The words on the paper fill my with happiness and worry. Was he going to ask me to stop staring at him or was he going to tell me he had feelings for me to. I hope I am good enough for him I don't expect I am I'm just redheaded brown eyed Ginny Weasley one in a huge family. Though I don't think Harry thinks like that he is to nice. I am just going to have to wait and see.

I hope you liked it. Please tell me if it is rubbish. But if you did like it vote!!!😄

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