Chapter 2 Can I Ask You Somthing Awkward?

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Ginny's P.O.V

As I wake up I see the letter from Harry flitter before my closed eyes. The feeling of anxiousness and happiness hits me again like a rainbow on a dreary day.

I fling my legs over the side of my bed and get up. I hate the morning aches and pains that stop you from doing anything to drastic in the morning. I hurriedly get dressed as mum is calling me for breakfast. Oh my gosh its 9:30 I will be late for meeting Harry! I sprint down the stairs at top speed to get to the kitchen and throw some breakfast down my throat.

As I am shovelling bacon and eggs into my mouth, my mum asks why I am eating so quickly. "no reason I answer innocently.

When I finish I hurry of upstairs to Harry's bedroom. It's 10:00 on the nose. Good I don't want to seem to eager. I knock gently on the door. He answers.

"Right," he says in his gentle, kind, loving voice "this is going to be awkward, I supposed I should just come right out with it. I love you Ginny Weasley, and I always have done. Please. Please, please. Can we be as one. You know"

"Boyfriend and girlfriend," I help him.

"Yes that," he answers.

" Harry I love you to your amazing. I have been thinking about asking you the same thing for a while now. I would love nothing better than being with you. I just hope Ron is Ok with it," I reply with love stirring around in my body. "We can work around him" his soothing voice comforts my worries

Harry's P.O.V

Then it happened. We drifted towards each other. My lips pressed against her lips. Her strawberry coloured. Strawberry flavoured lips. It was the most wonderful feeling ever. I wanted it to last forever. The kiss was pure and I loved every second of it

Ginny's p.o.v

After 2 minutes of pure kissing we head downstairs to have lunch holding hands, but luckily Harry released we were doing so we broke apart before we entered the kitchen.

Every few minutes we kept glancing at each other maliciously, then bursting into a fit of giggles. Harry and I decided not to tell anyone about our relationship just yet as we both know everyone would freak! We are going to wait till Hermione and Ron get together and announce their relationship. They aren't exactly together yet but they are so perfect for each other so it's only a matter of time till they do. But I do wish they would get together now! For their benefit as it would make them very happy and for mine as I would be able to tell everybody about mine and Harry's relationship sooner.

After lunch me and Harry went outside for a bit of fresh air. I showed him my favourite tree. "When I was little and I was all angry I would come up here and sulk until everyone would start to panic and start yelling my name franticly," I explained. It was wonderful sitting up my favourite tree with the one I love.

We came in cold and hungry, as we missed dinner, half an hour later. I made us a hot chocolate and beans on toast with a whip of my wand. Then we went upstairs to watch a muggle TV series called Outnumbered.

Harry's P.O.V

Ginny fell asleep snuggled against my chest. She looked so sweet her ginger hair fallen over her face, I wanted to stay there forever, so I stayed there for as long as I possibly could, I fell asleep with my love snuggled against my chest like my beautiful princess which she is.

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