Chapter 2

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Rockstar Pandoras POV:

"Oh.. wow.." I say out of shock "Mhm. Lots of things and.. people were lost in that fire. Especially Funtime Pandora." Lefty says and I raise a brow "So she originally came from a pizzeria called 'Circus Baby's Diner'...? A long with The other guy?" I ask and Lefty nods.

"Yeah. They were like brothers honestly" Lefty shrugs and I look to the side "It's not your fault, no need to blame yourself" Lefty puts his hand on my shoulder, I push it off

"I do feel bad. I kinda just came in and started yelling at him-" "You were defending Jen. It's totally fine Pandora, he just needs to get used to this." Lefty tries to explain, I nod

"Alright... Oh! Also where will I work at?" I ask Lefty and she stands up "Over here" Lefty leads the way and I stand up and follow

"You got keys?" He stops and turns to me "Mhm!" I give them to Lefty and He shows me which one opens the door

"It's the bronze one, always remember that" Lefty says and I nod, walking in "Okay. it's definitely way cooler on the inside than the out!" I say excited, I admire everything and I start to touch everything. Lefty chuckles

"So is that all you need to know?" Lefty gives me back the keys and I nod "For now!" I say and she nods "Alright then, let me or the others know if you need help" Lefty leaves and I immediately go to the counter

"I feel bad.. I should make a small gift!!" I open the drawers and grab some craft supplies "Perfect." I get to work and I grab a string of twine
"Hm.. oh! I could use this for my keys as a necklace!!" I say, very proud of myself. I tie it in a necklace and I smile "Alright let's get back to work" I grab a hot glue gun and start gluing stuff together, I get a little fake flower and glue it to the top of the small basket. "Spectacular." I look at it before grabbing a small plush and putting it in the basket. I look at it before leaving the room and going to where the animatronic disappeared to,

"What are you doing?" Chica asks, helping Bonnie put up ad decorations. "Oh I'm just giving this to the animatronic who is in the vents!" I say proudly, the others optics widen. Foxy just raises a brow "You're going in the vents.. where the head security guard is?" Bonnie asks

"Also known as the most aggressive animatronic in the entire building?" Freddy asks "Who could literally rip your endo skeleton apart in less than a second?!?" Chica asks and Pandora rolls her eyes

"You guys are being dramatic." Pandora says, unscrewing the vents "You should rethink what you're doing lassie." Foxy says

"Molten Freddy isn't happy right now. We all saw how he acted earlier." Foxy explains "... I'm still going." I pull the vent open and try to climb up "Ella es carne muerta." El chip says and everyone turns to him "...What did he say?"

I walk through the vents and look around "Hm.. I wonder where I'll find this guy at.." I keep searching and I see.. sunlight?? Wait no.. it's night so that must be moonlight. I keep going until I reach.. outside?? "Outside??" I say, confused as ever.. only I'm on the roof and not on the ground. I look down and I see the ground is.. far away. I back up and I almost trip "Okay I wasn't expecting that.." she tries to breathe. She then smells smoke.. it's not from a fire.. it's not from inside.. it's... wait is that marijuana?? I look around and then I see where it's coming from. I climb up and I sit down

"... What do you want." He asks, not turning or looking at me "I uh.. wanted to say that-" "Oh Lupin smelt it? Whatever I'll put it out." He puts it out "Um.. no that's not why I'm out here." I say and he looks at me "Oh so I just wasted my blunt?" He glares at me "If that's not why you're out here then leave. My. Spot." He growls, I stand up and back away

".. Alright I'll leave, but I made you this!" I give the basket to him, he doesn't grab it. He laughs at me. "A gift for me?? oh wowww how sweet!!! it's not like i couldn't have gotten the same thing from the dollar store!!" He continues to laugh. I just want to die of embarrassment. "Or even better!!! i could've gotten the same shit out of the pizzeria garbage bins!" He bursts out laughing. What was I thinking? Making a gift out of stuff already at the pizzeria and for this fucking asshole? what a joke, he continues to laugh at me.

".Alright then.. I'll just leave the basket here.." I put it down on the ground and I walk away, I stop "I'm sorry about your friend.. I just wanted to help you feel better, sorry for trying to be a nice person. have a nice night asshole" I say and they stop laughing. I walk back to the opening and walk back to the lobby.. embarrassed.

Molten Freddys POV:

she wasn't doing it for fun. She even called me an asshole, no one has the balls to say that to me which is surprising. I go over to the basket and pick it up, grabbing the note inside. I read it.

Here's a little gift I made for you!
I know you're going through a lot right
now so I wanted to apologize for yelling
at you and give you a gift, hope you like it!!

R. Pandora :3

Speechless. I don't even get gifts ever, i see why. I sigh and I pick up the little polar bear plush inside "Huh.. haven't seen this one in the gift shop." I look at it and I smile

Back to Pandoras POV:

I sit in my prize room, still embarrassed but.. sad.. I shouldn't be sad over this but it does hurt.. making a gift for someone that you spent so much time making and they insult you. it hurts, and it made me very upset. A tear falls down my face and I wipe it off "Wow didn't know I was capable of crying." I say, trembling... I yawn and I start to fall asleep against a giant bear plush in the prize room.. I then doze off for the night.

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