Chapter 1

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~Liam's POV~

We are performing at a concert in California. It's amazing and such a rush, but it doesn't make me happy anymore. I'm never happy.

I'm fucked up! All I can think about is suicide. Then I messed up my words onstage. FUCK!

"Nice going Liam!"

"You worthless prick!"

"You can't do anything right!"

"I don't even know why they even let you in the band. It's not like you can even sing!" The voices screamed at me.

I try to keep singing and act like nothing's happening, but people keep shouting and yelling hateful stuff. Thank goodness the boys quickly covered for me. The rest of the performance went by in a blur.

After we said goodbye and walked off stage, I went straight to the bathroom that's in the back of stadium. Once in the stall, I locked the door and removed my phone case and took out the razor blade that I kept in between my phone and the case.

I pulled up my black shirt and started slashing my stomach. I felt better but not not by much. I pulled my pants down and drag the blade across my thighs. I cut up my legs even more when I think about how none of the boys have come looking for me by now. What a worthless and useless waste of space I am.

Blood is running off my body and onto the bathroom floor. I clean my cuts and get redressed. I am about to start cleaning up the mess that is all over the floor,when the bathroom door opens. I'm guessing the person saw the blood through the mirror.

"Hello?" the person says and I immediately recognized the owner of the voice. It was Michael Clifford. His band Five Seconds of Summer is our opening act.

"Uh...Hello? Is everything okay? There's blood all on the floor," Michael asks.

"Uh, yea, everything's fine. I just got a nose bleed." I replied too quickly.

"Liam?" Michael asked. "Uh,yea,hey Michael." I open the door and pick up my phone. Michael just stares past me and I turn to see what he's gazing at, I hadn't put the blade back in my phone like I thought, I just put my phone on top of it.

Fuck! How could I be so stupid?!? I think to myself.

"L-Liam, w-why is that in h-here?" Michael asked worriedly.

"Uh, t-that was i-in t-there w-when I g-got i-in h-here." I stutter out the lie.

"Liam, show me your arms." Mikey demands.

Pfftt! As if I am that stupid. I think. I simply extend out my arms. I try to hide the smirk on my face but fail the attempt.

The colourful haired boy eyes me suspiciously before he says, "Lift your shirt up." The smirk falls quickly off my face. I started to get worried. I was thinking of an excuse on why not to, but all I manage to stutter out is,"N-No."

Mike's eyes narrow into little slits. "Why not?"

"Why do I ha...", before I could finish my sentence, the boy was at my side and had ripped up my shirt up. His eyes widen as big as saucers in disbelief as he stares at my newly long and deep gashes on my stomach.

"Where else?" Michael squeaks.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*I give all the credit to the author. I just edited it so that it was a little more spaced out.


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